“No ****” as the yanks say. Pretty sure there are some decent ones that want to do the right thing. But you’re right lots are. Why does it take others to make the decision for em. Pfa etc. Pretty sure it’s not a hard decision to contribute to non playing staff getting paid. But the biggest problem lies with the greedy, immoral, rich beyond belief owners. Will not be renewing my sky sports part of my contract ASAP after the suspension. which is where most of the obscene wages are coming from. Fcku em. Seriously think I will not be alone. My biggest issue will be other sports. But the option of being selective is useless. Given the discount. Looks like BBC and Channel 4. Highlights for me. Ps wonder how many folk didn’t suspend sports. Seeing as Sky didn’t just do it across the board. Leaving it to ourselves. I think/hope people don’t restart. Wake up time.
PFA claiming a 30% cut in players wages could have a detrimental effect on the NHS.!! https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/pfa-warn-against-premier-league-21814736
Absolutely scandalous mate. I was fuming as soon as the story broke. I apologise to all cnuts out there for comparing them to £300,000 a week footballers. That voted that way btw.
If the PFA are that bothered about the NHS they could recommend the players to not take a reduction but then donate that amount directly to the NHS. But they obviously won't.
Not wanting to take a pay cut because then they’ll pay less tax and it could impact the NHS. Who came up with that gem? If they’re that concerned about the NHS they could take a partial pay cut and make contributions to NHS charities to make up the lost PAYE.
What is the subs to the PFA? Flat rate or percentage of salary? If its the latter, could explain why seemingly against pay cut.
Unfortunately I can see that once all this is over people will want to flock back to the games. They will also renew to Sky sports. The only way this could change is if the pfa are made to look so ridiculously out of touch with reality and can be shamed in public. Sadly with a large portion of supporters being at the lower end of the intelligence scale then it may be futile. Knuckle draggers will not see anything other than their own rights, the sort of people who will fight over a toilet roll. And it's not just Prem players, how far down the list must we go to find the overpaid ? Don't forget so many players are no more than young boys, selfish, greedy and only worried about themselves. I imagine that quite a few would think their world had ended if daddy stopped their pocket money.
Precisely that. It’s very simple but they’re trying to get out of doing the right thing. Funny how they’ve released a statement after being pushed into it by Hancock and the public, they should have had this sorted a couple of weeks ago. Simple solution: - take a pay cut that will cover all non-playing staff wages so no need to furlough anybody - make a contribution to the NHS as a minimum of what they have lost in PAYE contributions p, plus any other donations they wish to make
If you read between the lines many are pretending they are agreeing with "cuts" but their wages are actually being deferred or other ways found so they will ultimately get their full pay. For me this is simply greed and totally out of touch with what real people and most of society are having to sacrifice at the moment. As usual many of them including the pfa think they are a special case and should be paid an absolute fortune for sitting at home. Why we as fan's allow them to get away with their vast salaries and excuses such as "it's a short career" and in many cases defend them is beyond me.
Condemnation will grow, football has shown itself for what it is and many people will quite rightly be appalled by the way it is behaving but once things settle down many of the same people will continue to pour their money into the moral vacuum that is PL football. Nothing whatsoever will change because the people with the power to force a change will carry on regardless.