There’s god knows how many thousands live alone in flats with no outside space, if we can’t be reasonable the suicide rate will outstrip deaths from the virus. it’s absolutely essential to get out and get some fresh air (says the fat old bloke who’s often not left the house for days)
Yes we could have gone sooner on the lockdown but they had to weigh how long it was possible to keep the country in this state. The damage, death and misery this will lead to hasn't been seen yet. I still think the idea is to let the virus spread. I might be wrong
18 month 2 year lockdown will also lead to many deaths through the complete destruction of the economy. It's a no win situation I grant you. The virus is here, it's going to kill people. At a certain point you just have to accept that and try and mitigate the damage as much as you can both in terms of numbers killed and damage to our way of life. It's a impossible balancing act and I don't envy those who are having to make the calls.
I aint got a problem with isolating, when you see the dumb cnuts aving bbqs on beaches and sunbathing in parks, WOT THE FOOOOOK, FOOOOKING MORONS THE LOT OF EM.
This thread is bizarre. Government advice: "Only make essential journeys and leave your house to carry out one piece of exercise a day" Plenty of people: "I'm doing what I want. Can't stop me. It's not hurting anyone. I'll carry on going out" The mind truly boggles.
This is as good a way to sum up the threat as I have seen I’m fortunate in that I have a decent sized garden but even so I find it healthy to go for a nice walk every week. I am also fortunate that the Bourne woods are only a 10 minute walk from my house and when I’ve been there everyone I have seen is acting responsibly and keeping a good distance from everyone else. Far less risk on the walk than there is on my weekly trip to the shops. To ban everyone from a fairly safe and very beneficial activity for both mental and Physical health because a very small minority are morons is likely to be counter productive. I’d cope but for those who live in flats with no garden it really wouldn’t be good. The morons would still ignore the rules anyway and those with no outside access would suffer or be forced to “go to the shops “ more often which is much less safe
It's the shopping that needs addressing if anything. My local shop is collection or delivery only and the Asda is run in a military style but there's still a few nipping past you, taking shortcuts or saying it is a load of ********. One old guy that had just come back from Egypt and couldn't believe the country was in lockdown was ranting at the cashier and I could see the spittle coming out of his gob all over the conveyor belt.
Been shopping for my Mum and Dad (Both in their 70's) this morning. Had to overtake a "peloton" of cyclists on the main road..... Clowns.
I switched to Asda scan and go using my phone as the scanner. I've got a tub of alcohol wipes in the boot of the car and I take one with me to wipe the trolley down first, then bags into the trolley and shopping straight into the bags. Luckily I have 2 shops in walking distance if we need more Milk or fruit in between going to the supermarket.
Well stopping people from exercising outdoors sure as **** isn’t doing anything to stop the virus from spreading.
As I've said, I'm fine with my liberties being restricted for a purpose - I called for restrictions before they came in. I'm not fine with being told I can't do something which carries no risk to myself or others and is going to be very important for my mental and physical health over the coming weeks.
Research out of china now suggests that the virus can be airborne for up to 30 minutes. Not saying that banning outdoor exercise is the right thing to do, but people lingering in parks is a problem, whether the research out of China is true or not, but even more so if it is..