It's a piece of cake to avoid people on the pavement. Even easier now there's less cars about. Best way is to walk facing the traffic, so you can safely nip out into the road, or cross the road altogether and then come back again, in plenty of time to get out of somebody's way.
I live on the A628 in a heavily built up area where there are people walking on both sides of the road and still lots of traffic, much of it delivery vehicles.
Be all academic after today when government stop us going out ,remember a couple of weeks ago after last mass gathering s in parks n markets. Then we all will start going stir crazy
Not guilty. Since posting we haven’t driven there once. We asked the handler for advice and she said as there’s a small field literally 2 streets away we can walk her there (using the techniques I mentioned before) and then let her off. Silly thing is though, it’s like Pac-Man trying to avoid people there (not that there’s loads of us but it isn’t the biggest field), whereas the other place was so big you couldn’t walk near people if you tried. We did accidentally arrive at the same time as another guide dog boarder though so Lydia and Laddie had the time of their lives seeing each other again and chasing/play fighting. You can tell they missed each other.
Missus stopped us going out for essential shopping last night, we are now delivery only. She said it's full of dirty ******** anyway round here so they've a job on getting half the folk in supermarkets to even was their hands. Good luck with getting a delivery slot, I'll be doing Bush tucker trails in the garden in the middle of the week to survive!
In normal times, I go to the gym on my bike apart from really cold weather and rain when I will use the car. The journey is about a mile.
Tempting but I'm not risking the person from the AA. I might print out a 'Stay Home. Protect the NHS. Save lives' poster and put it on their windscreen.
And they're back again! I'm not sure how to do that without potentially passing on the infection if I have it though (I went to the shop on Thursday for the first time in over a fortnight so I could have it and not know yet).
Even if the figures from China were 30x higher, the death toll in the UK is now proportionally worse.
Be careful with other dogs - there is a risk (small) of the virus being transmitted through contact with collars, leads and fur.