We used to have Energy Conservation meetings where I worked and the brother of one of the delegates from Sheffield Hallam University was the " keeper of the keys" at Windsor Castle. I told him we were planning a family visit and he put me in touch with his brother. He showed us round the castle and we saw rooms normally not open to the public. My mother in law was in a wheelchair, so he let us use the Queen Mothers private lift. It's a right place and somehow " obscene" to think all that space is devoted to one person.
Agree Kettlewell. Having said that, you only need to have a look round Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle, Hampton Court Palace, watch the Changing of the Guard, or attend the opening of Parliament, to know you could never change a thing and that England will never ever be a Republic with an elected President.
That's what I asked: who elected her? I wasn't expecting much from her and predictably I wasn't disappointed. She added nothing to the situation. The one thing I remember specifically: she did refer to "our" country not "my" country.
Ranked along side Wimbledon being cancelled as news for a day or two. The speech is what was expected nowt more nowt less. See yer at Christmas Liz.
I didn't bother with it myself. I'm not anti royalist, as a president would be another politician. I'm just in favour of modernisation in terms of their land & buildings being put to the public good & to aid tourism & them living by more humble means. If her words helped some people, fair enough. I think she is more genuine than Trump. Not that that is saying much.
I get the feeling that if Charles takes control at some point there will be quite big changes like that
In my eyes the queen has one thing in common with professional footballers (well two if you count the dosh) I lost all interest in anything they say, do or think a hell of a long time ago!
Yes, i've been watching that too. Got a couple of episodes left. Not sure how it can get more bizarre.
To be fair there isn't a lot on telly at the minute. I think it's right she says something & it's up to folk if they want to hear it or not. I don't have a position on it one way or the other TBH, other than what I've said. It's more important people understand the public health guidelines in my opinion. I was a bit surprised by this: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/fe...ive-in-a-freezer-Up-to-two-years-warns-expert Be careful to wash your hands after touching containers / food stored there & clean surfaces. Soap & water is best. Easy to rub a bar of soap on a sponge to clean containers & surfaces & then rinse. Cooking seems little problem as above 80 degrees C it's dead.