Please explain. If someone has an opinion then surely by the fact alone that he has an opinion then that opinion is valid
That would be your opinion and in my mind that makes it valid (although to quote someone else it's ridiculous as scientists have proved otherwise) I wouldn't resort to calling you a knob or a pillock though! I'd put it down to catching too much sun during your excessively long exercise period
Well that's very gallant of you - but what use is that if my opinion is that you're a pillock (I don't think that - it's not a word I'd use, but for illustration purposes only)
Really not sure I would trust the Russian News media on this - as said elsewhere on here if he is on a ventilator he isnt running the country and is very seriously ill - a boost of oxygen as reported in the Guardian is much more likely to be true but again who would be leaking such information - I would expect the staff directly involved with treating him to be not talking to the media
Raab could only say that he spoke to Johnson over the weekend. Surely they would have spoken today if he was actually fine and still running the country as no 10 insists?
I don't think he's faking it but there are two reasons why he could and would. One is to get out of the firing line. He's an imbecile who got the job based in being a racist who people think sounds funny. He wasn't and isn't cut out for this. He could fake illness to hand over the blame to someone else. The other and much more believable reason would be that it gets people to listen to him. O"the prime minister, a fit healthy man, has taken ill with this. **** it's actually a lot more serious than I thought. I'll stay in instead of going to the park"
Why even suggest anything as palpably ridiculous as those two "reasons"? Perhaps he's become totally delusional and is now mad. Perhaps he's got Munchausen syndrome. Perhaps it's just a big joke and he's going to come on TV tonight and say "fooled you there didn't I?" Anyone who thinks he's genuinely not got this virus in a form that takes a fair bit to shake off, has far more of a permanent problem in their head than Boris has got with his transient temperature. One day, Boris's temperature will have gone.....
Yeah but raising bone headed hypotheses that you might not even find on the Discovery Channel doesn't to me seem worth the effort or the point in posting.
Yet it seemed worth you replying right? A question was asked. A question was answered. Simple as that. You don't like the answer? Fine.
Every discussion on here dissolves into an alpha-male ego scrap. If we can find something to fight about, we will.