Seeing this in a lot places, on here, Facebook, Twitter and TV from a wide range of different people and commentators. Is it actually true? Because to my mind and listening to the experts in particular the CMO Chirs Whitty, it doesn't seem to be the idea. In fact the exact opposite seems to be the case. Is this linked to the government's refusal today to even tell us what the next phase is? Fear that if people are told upfront the lockdown will likely last longer that they will simply not comply.
The risk is that the longer it goes on without an exit strategy, especially with the weather warming up, that people will start to ignore the guidelines anyway. It's a difficult call for the government to make.
I think it will be extended another 3 week next monday and then hopefully after that start exit from the lock down only a guess though. Dont want to exit too early.
The problem is that they know as well as everyone else does that unless it is completely cleared from the country. Gone 100% and no deliveries into the UK then it will be at 500 deaths a day again within a month of letting us back outside. that's the truth of the matter
Month on month off until sufficient spread through the population could be one option. It's hard for any decision to be made without knowing the true number of infections.
That option would kill hundreds of thousands of otherwise healthy adults and wipe so much time off the life of the entire population. It would also mean no quality of life whatsoever for millions. As much as we were pressured into doing this the only end game is to sadly accept that the vulnerable are going to have to take responsibility for their own safety and even more sadly accept that some otherwise fit and healthy people will die
And you can't get a good handle on the number of infections and where they are, unless you do mass testing. Which we aren't doing/can't do.
I've got a feeling that an extension will be announced this week, before the easter bank holiday, but will continue for 3 weeks from Monday. I also expect tougher rules to be put in place over this weekend to reduce people travelling and grouping together.
Seems the only realistic way doesn't it. Again without knowing the true numbers it's a real hard thing to gauge. What I think is clear is that carrying on like this for any longer than say May would probably be counterproductive in the long run. It's hard to make a good decision when you have no good options. I don't envy those who have to make them.
The problem is twofold though. 1. Large sections of the vulnerable refused to take responsibility for themselves a few weeks ago and 2. Our government did try the other tactic but the media and public told them they were wrong because Spain and Italy were doing different. They buckled under that pressure and I can't see is they can now be strong enough to return to the original policy
I think they will kick the can down the road and extend by 3 weeks; 1) they went to watch China closely - Wuhan has come out of 45 day lockdown, in 3 more weeks they’ll know if it’s come galloping back or not. 2) in 3 more weeks large antibody test will hopefully have been done, it should give us many answers about the leathality, and whether these measures are the right thing to do.
A slow move back to the original tactic may be one way to go and that may well happen across europe as staying shut down is not viable.
Wuhan has only partially come out of a lockdown, the rules there are still much more strict than what we have at the moment here.
I follow an American on tick tock who’s in Wuhan, shops are open and people are out and about way more then here, everything expected to be “back to normal” by the 8th. But she was in quarantine for over 70 days!!
CNN had a interesting news story of a coronavirus survivor who's donated blood to three people to test if his plasma helps them. Interesting thing to at least give it a go to see if the blood of someone who's had coronavirus being put in someone who hasn't makes their body think it has, thus making them immune.
Wasnt the initial period outlined as being possibly three months, or was that self isolation for folks with underlying medical conditions.?
The original tactic will kill 1% of the population, and as we are finding out, it isn't just the elderly, but young fit nurses, bus drivers shop assistants, 13-year old kids who are buried without family at the funeral, etc, etc. 1% of the UK population is over 600,000 people.