Probably meaning someone who might need a ventilator will have to hope for the best. Probably regretting not investing in the NHS properly right now on all fronts. Still hope he gets past this of course but him shaking hands with Coronavirus contact seems a tad stupid now.
No matter what spin the PR team put on it to try and allay fears, the fact is that with every passing day, he is getting worse. I really fear the worse for him. Either way, it could be a long haul for him.
The male stat you mention. Isn't that because more men end up getting to the ICU stage with this disease or is there some other reason?
It must be bad for them to announce the move at all. They're doing all they can to play it down so to my mind it's significant that they've had to disclose the move. I'm sure they'd have held it back if they felt they could.
No idea but the start of one of the paragraphs in the link reckon one reason is women have a stronger immune system....
I hope he pulls through ok. As much as I detest what the Tories stand for. I've only ever considered one Tory. Truly evil.
You don't go into intensive care as a precaution. I would suggest he's in serious trouble. I can't stand him or his politics, but I hope he pulls through. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
it's surprising how many illnesses don't have an even m/f split of sufferers. e.g. more men than women get Motor Neuro Disease - more women than men develop Multiple Sclerosis.
Even though I don't particularly like the man I hope he recovers. When we've travelled South in the past to our folks in Poole, we've often enjoyed the odd day out at Longleat Safari Park. Didn't know until tonight, that the owner the Marquis Of Bath died aged 84 as a result of Covid-19 on Saturday. Coronavirus: Lord Bath dies after contracting Covid-19