He's not on a ventilator. Then again, Russia are ahead of us in time, so maybe he will be in a few hours. Should have done this years ago. Russia can warn us about all sorts.
Just seen intensive care on the news. There’s no way you put someone in there as a precaution. It looks like a field hospital in a war zone. Hope he recovers.
Any need? Particularly given there’s a large surplus of ventilators / ICU beds at the moment. I hope he gets well soon.
In London they're 'treating' the old in cottage hospitals with no access to ventilators - the only reason there's no shortage is that they've decided to prioritise, It's a logical step but puts the 'enough' in context.
Piss off. He’s brought this on himself. Fair play he gets past it but he’s been ******* stupid. Ps I’m an NHS key worker. Having to face this each day.
Is that definitely true or something of Facebook ? If true what age do you no longer qualify for treatment just palliative care?