Nobody in power will take any notice of me, but my suggestion (and has been for weeks) is a full *global* shutdown. No international travel of people, no non-essential travel internally, stop everything that isn't absolutely essential and mandatory quarantine for anyone moving between countries/regions. Stop it spreading, then relax the rules regionally, then by country, then internationally. Keep the quarantine restrictions for moving between countries. A virus can only spread through people. Stop people spreading it and you could cut it out completely in a couple of months. Short-term damage to the economy, so you would need government action to keep people and companies afloat, but longer-term it wouldn't have much more damage than the holidays in July/August do to lots of economies around the world.
Exactly because of the lack of testing. I'm not trying to downplay anything here but the death rate taken from the figures is completely irrelevant.
But the 1% is only being mentioned because of China, everywhere else on earth it is massively over that amount. The China numbers are absolute ********.
As we seem to going round in circles here, I’m happy to stay for however long it takes to keep me and my family safe. I wouldn’t be happy going to out to herd immunity with a 3% chance I’m not going to make it. If herd immunity was the best way forward all the governments or at least some of them would be doing it, they aren’t. Herd immunity was only mentioned when they thought it just killed vulnerable and pensioners, as it doesn’t it really isn’t an effing option. If you want to go out and get back to normal, fill your fcukking boots. Until we can be tested properly and that’s everyone, then it’s waiting for a vaccine. Going out to play Russian roulette to save an economy is what American, right wing, conservative nutjobs are saying on the internet. The mind boggles that anyone would agree with them.
Neither do we produce enough electricity. Delivery and production of food is essential, as is power. Manning a call centre or a building site is non-essential. Driving an ambulance is essential. Driving to the coast for a day out is non-essential.
I am not for a minute suggesting that we should just return to normal right now. Just pointing out we have no idea what the death rate is. It could be as hight as the figures suggest. It could be that the Virus hasn't spread that far and most haven't had it. Alternatively it could have been very widespread and a lot of people may be asymptomatic. The reality is probably in between these two. Interesting that overall though- we are actually down on our overall deaths in the year to the end of March compared to the five year average. That could change in the next quarter, a Covid19 really starts to hit, of course.
My girlfriend is a psychiatric nurse who last week was in the Covid-19 ICU unit in a Sydney hospital while a psychiatric patient with suspected Covid-19 tried to rip off her mask and spit on her. I have a different opinion but it is not formed through ignorance. Sorry if that sounds in anyway arsey, it really isn't meant to. The government may see the increase as a reason to tighten the lockdown because shops are doing it all wrong. Supermarket deliveries are hard to get once you're out of the queue to even view their website. As an example I just went to Morrisons website and got this....... Then items will be either out of stock or you end up with a substitute so it puts you off using them. You get to a shop and they limit how many of a item you can buy so if you're shopping for others you are out longer from having to go to more shops. Sainsburys now have gone strict on one person per trolley which also slows shopping down because if two people go you can split up and fill the trolley quicker.
Lockdown is more likely to happen when you still have idiots up and down the Country who are flaunting the advice to isolate. Just seen on the BBC that sixty people turned up at a funeral in Walsall. The Police were called to disperse them, but they refused.
Agreed, until an anti virulent is found its the only strategy we’ve got. We can’t do lockdown like China it seems.
5 people under the age of 45 have died so far in the Uk, just for context. That’s only 5x greater than the odds that you’ll be an ex member of East 17 who will run over themselves after a baked potato orgy.
So your fine that a vast army of people have to go out and get on with it to work to keep the country rolling ,keep some money coming in to help pay the people at home there 80 %. They are protecting , cleaning , looking after ,driving .delivering , producing peoples essentials , while you and others are perfectly happy to hide behind your sofa's protecting your family for as long as it takes. your scared to go to the supermarket ,but your fine for people to go out and work at those very supermarkets and factory's facing 100,s/1000,s of people every day and collecting items and drivers to go door to door delivering to 100,s of different people a day every man for themselves ,got to look after number one that's what its all about if people have to die so you and others can live all good. Most poor and rich country's for that matter cant afford to pay the population wages and have them sat at home. if they told them to stay at home the country's would be burning within hours. The Swedish scientists view is there is no real evidence that closing your borders ,locking people down and so on has and will make no difference in stopping or isolating the virus once it has entered your borders In response to the UK view of 500,000 250,000 of more people dying if didn't change strategy they called it nonsense. there numbers are lower than most of all europe and seem to be mirroring everywhere else in how they are changing. The government didn't' changed there initial view it was because of public pressure journalists hammering them non stop about what other countrys where doing not because they changed there mind . just my opinion. ministers were hammered all day one day by piers morgan etc saying why aren't you doing this x country is and low and behold they delayed the normal meeting time and announced a lock down. They seem to be unable to tell us how we are supposed to progress from the lock down. the reason being they haven't got one. They are just crossing there fingers and hoping this virus is like every other virus. Hit hard figures spike then steady climb then level off and eventually fall as the virus dies out runs its course ( for now ) Vaccine. there may be a vaccine there may never be a vaccine there isn't one for Covid :1 this is Covid :2 that was 17 years ago. according to the CDC vaccine's have a 40/60 % success rate. they don't work at all on some people. the 40/60 others will be the ageing , people with weak immune systems, people with underlying problems The government has said these people have exactly the same chance of dying this year than they did before the outbreak. and that will apply in 6 months, 12 months ,2 years time vaccine of no vaccine. they are just pawns being used they are not telling them to stay completely indoors trying to protect them. they are telling them to stay indoors because they are the most likely to fall serious ill and be hospitalised and they don't want these people overwhelming the hospitals and health system.
Well it was 9 up to the 27th March and I can tell you it’s significantly more than that now mate. You’d better get practicing your dance moves and hoarding your potatoes.
There’s some right scientists on here that know more than proper ones who are telling us the best way to protect ourselves. Im off and I’ve done with this completely. Stay safe.