Social distancing.. How do I report a policeman for breaking social distancing and putting my kids at risk.. My exs bloke who's a policeman has visited her at home and sat in the lounge...they dont live son Ethan has septo optic dysplasia which can be fatal because his immune system and stress hormones are vulnerable...Ethans professors at Sheffield children's hospital have always said if ethan gets poorly and deteriorates it can be fatal..because his body will struggle to fight illnesses. The kids were in the house at the time...As a policeman he should know better and I'm scared for my son and his condition let alone my daughter.
I'd start by having a word with him. He should know better, failing that report him to SYPCC, his office been all over Twitter today thanking folk for obeying the rules.
If he's not a permanent resident at your ex's home he's in contravention of the rules. No different to teenagers in a relationship.
Not if he's got a child in that house he isn't. The guidelines state you can move children under 18 between houses. I am doing this with my ex-wife. Whilst he's possibly not breaking any rules perhaps itd be better if he waits outside and his child comes out to him. If he doesn't have any kids in the house he is more than likely breaking rules and I'd definitely be having words.
Report her to social services. If she is not taking the situation as serious. Your Children are being put at risk.( Especially the one who I assume is in the high risk category) Hers and your priority Pretty sure that’ll put the frightener on her. More than a chat with her boyfriend. Or SYP.
Dont tell me to man up im trying to do this the correct way...I'm not scared at the slightest of him...I'm more scared of my son being infected
Both kids are mine...hes only met my kids a few times...they dont live together...we have joint custody...I just want to report him and keep my kids safe when they are with her
Nobodys sed thar scared, if that was my kid and I was in your shoes, and my kid was as volunrable as you say, tell him to stay away simple as that. Maybe my wordings not reight but your sons lifes being put at risk, sorry but I see it as I see it.
Did he do it in his role as a police officer? I'm no fan of the plod but unless he was in uniform I'm not sure it's anything to do with the police disciplinary. Maybe social services due to your ex letting folk in the house - but I'm struggling why the police should interfere here any more than any other partner turning up to see their girlfriend. Unless he's in uniform.
Maybe they are supposed to be held to higher standards. "Do as we say, not as we do" - its bad enough when the government do it but none of them should.
This ones a difficult one, as you can see, Ex, Ex's Boyfriend, Separation, Kids, We all want wots best for our kids, but wiart knowing all the facts, and just based on the thread, id se your Ex has got issues. Gud luk and I hope somebody can give you the advice your seekin, IM SORRY IF I UPSET THI