Taking a comment @Old Goat mentioned in the sleep thread, does anyone else have recurring dreams ? (Keep it clean!) I have quite a few around football, usually when there's a big match coming up. It's always me being delayed getting to the game- and it's always someone else who's holding me up, and I'm getting cross with them for messing up my plans. Or I can't walk / run fast enough to get there on time, or the bus takes the wrong route.
I used to have a recurring one when I was a kid, probably junior school age. It involved a huge cylindrical shaped hill made up of stones and grit - similar substance to a slag heap - and I was running down it around a wide path that spiralled down to the ground. The tower was collapsing around me as I ran and I just had to keep running, trying to outrun the collapse. I never got to the bottom, I always woke up halfway down. It was all a bit weird. I'd forgotten all about it until this thread brought it back to me.
I used to have two fairly regular ones when I was in my 20s and 30s. I even looked them up before and it seemed they were common dreams Can't remember the meaning now. One was that I woke up to realise I had to go and take an exam and hadn't revised for it. This happened a long time after finishing Uni. The second was that my teeth had fallen out.
I've had both of those dreams. I hate the teeth one. There's also a fairly grim one about the lack of cleanliness of bathrooms that is very disturbing.
I do get recurring dreams, but only realise they’re recurring whilst I’m semi conscious . Once I’m fully conscious I usually forget about content etc. However, the one I struggle with most is deja vu, far more scary.
Reassuring to read about other poster's exam dreams. My most recurrent dream is also about exams - arriving late, having learnt the wrong stuff, but mostly about failing exams! In fact I don't think I've ever had a pleasant dream - my dreams are about past stressful events.
Mine are usual wet ones but then again at my age it could just be wishful thinking and I've actually p155ed the bed... Lol
I've had similar to the exam ones. Apparently it's not a bad thing. It's a coping mechanism, if your mind has already dealt with the idea of failure you can apply yourself properly. However from being around 18 to early 20s I used to have a recurrent dream I was a surrounded French army officer in Vietnam and tried to retreat with an ever diminishing force until I was trapped on my own in a village by a baying mob. I would be woken up by my screams at the point of my own death. I could describe the topography and vehicles involved etc, in great detail,very different to the jungle usually depicted in Vietnam war films about the americans. It sent a chill down my spine to discover with research that what I was describing was a match to the massacre of French forces at the battle of An Khe in the central Highlands in 1954. I have no explanation or upside to this except that the dreams stopped completely when I reached about 23/24.
Mine's similar in that it's my final year project for uni. I haven't started it and there's no way on earth I'm ever going to finish it. I still have it quite often now. I graduated from uni 25 years ago and my final year project went quite well. Never had the teeth falling out one but understand it's very common. There are as many interpretations as there are people having the dream. Which is the case for all of them. For what it's worth my interpretation of all dreams is thus: they mean nowt. Absolutely nothing. But we're all wired up pretty similar. Same hopes and fears, so it's little wonder our subconscious plays out similar themes when it's allowed some freedom. That's a nice thing
I have the exam one as well. I stayed on to do my A Levels, but my heart wasn't it, so left after a month. I was persuaded to go back, but had got miles behind, so left again for good. It was too early in the year for exams, yet I always dream that I'm about to take them and haven't done any of the work. There's another one where I'm driving and suddenly I'm out of the car controlling it by remote control, but guessing all the turns because it's too far ahead.
I had the exam ones too and the teeth falling out one is common. By the sound of all these dreams they are probably linked to stress.
I don't think mine was Helen. It was so accurate about something so obscure of which I could have had no prior knowledge,I spent a long time believing in reincarnation
Might you have seen a picture at sone point or other as a really little child and it somehow stuck with you? I remember my Grandma having to hide a book from my brother cos he had nightmares about one of the picures and I had to do the same with my eldest.. we'd been reading the book to her and it was just one picture freaked her out.
I also used to have the exam and teeth dreams. I hated the exam ones. I used to wake up with a dreadful feeling of impending doom. Although it was a massive relief when I realised I left school 20 years ago and will never have to take any more exams. They continued into my 40's. Glad they've stopped now.
Both very common. I went through quite a spell of the teeth dream. In one, the whole of my bottom jaw fell off. Horrible.
I had a similar recurring dream in that I'd forget about an assignment that was due until the very last minute. I had it every so often for about 15 years and then it stopped- when I went back to uni again! Not had it since.