I used to have a fairly regularly dream where an old style wrecking ball (before the age of dynamites used to demolish buildings) would be swinging in an old style swimming bath pool, the pool was empty and the wrecking ball would gradually gain momentum but never hit anything, it used to make my teeth hurt. Never found out what it symbulised but to this day I can't stand anything with a pendulum motion, I couldn't even push my son on the swings
Used to have loads of them , the teeth dropping out ones when I was younger. I'd be sat there trying to ram them back in ( within the context of my dream ) . Insecurity dreams I think , like the no clothes on one's .
I have a similar one about missing tutorials & having a big assignment I haven't started. I've only had it in the last 10 years funnily, even though I finished my last degree in 1999.
That is pretty disturbing. Reminds me of a programme i saw years ago, about a young boy in an asian village who insisted that a woman in that village was his wife. He was passed off as being silly, but he wouldn’t let it go. He knew things about the woman that a young boy couldn’t possibly know. This went on for some time, with the boy adament that he belonged with the woman. Upshot of the programme was that the woman’s husband had been shot and killed some years earlier. They shaved the boy’s head to reveal a scar in exactly the same place where the bullet had struck the man.
I used to have one when I was a kid - pre comprehensive. It was quite scary (for a young boy), so much so that I still remember it now but I haven't had it since.
Is it the one where Leeds are playing top flight football while we're stuck in Division 4? I used to get that one, but not for a long time now.
A lot of my mates have the same one where their team are top of the league till March and then make an almighty **** up and get beat in the play offs
Wish I had never read this thread now. I’ve never had any of these dreams but no doubt I’ll wake up tonight terrified I’m gonna miss my exam because all me teeth have fallen out
As a child I used to constantly dream that I was travelling everywhere by those rings they had on gladiators for what felt like hours. I used to wake up shattered and dreaded dreaming it again the next night (although dream me absolutely loved it). Every time I go to the seaside I dream that a 2p pusher machine won’t stop winning and I’m trying to stuff them all into pockets and bags and get stressed that it won’t stop and I can’t carry them all. I also dream about being observed teaching by the Head and Deputy Heads and the kids just keep asking stupider and stupider questions. I hate dreams, even nice ones as then you wake up disappointed they didn’t happen, so much so that every night in bed I say ‘sweet dreams’ to my husband and he replies ‘no dreams’ to me.
most of us seem to have had stress/anxiety linked dreams - possibly they could be described as nightmares?? Anyone had a really pleasant dream with a blissfully happy ending?
I don’t have any of those weird dreams. Clearly a large part of the BBS have serious hang ups. Yer all foooking bonkers!!! Which is great news for me - there is only me on here that seems to have any level of sanity.
Love you YN - but wonder if social distancing is not a problem because no one er wants to come near you anyway ??