Although, having now read the article, the test is only 70 to 80 per cent accurate. These anomalies are consistent with false negatives and positives.
If that's true then even a vaccine would have a very limited effect. So its lockdown for the rest of time then?
Job losses will be off the scale with companies closed left right and centre. You won't have hundreds of TV channels to choose from anymore (not that that affects you) because there's no money to pay for it. Kiss goodbye to expensive to run lightning fast fibre optic broadband. It will literally decimate the country. Centuries is an exaggeration but half a century isnt
This is horrendous on the face of it. It is becoming more like a Stephen King novel by the day all this.
But coupled with the fact that we know the tests are proven to be defective it really isn't worth the paper it isn't written on. Its scaremongering for the sake of it. And by sake of it I mean the ad revenue
Already have some very effective treatments. Yes these will probably improve with time. The majority of those hospitalised survive. The number of deaths is horrible. But a long term shut down will be horrific too.
I was told at the outset that the government policy was to let the disease spike quickly and move on. I still believe this is their policy but it’s just been dressed up in a different way after initial public backlash we’re not exactly making much of an effort to keep folks indoors are we?
Are there? There's a difference between supporting the measures imposed by the government and having a desire to live in a Police state
Some have said that if a vaccine doesn't come for 18 months they believe a lockdown should last that long
I agree 100% that is the policy. Flattening the curve is exactly that isn't it. Letting it spread but more controlled. I mean we have talk of banning exercise but non essential work places stay open. You can still buy almost anything online and have it delivered. All this tells me what the policy actually is. Restrictions are clearly needed to slow the spread to protect our health service. But that's it. I have heard no official stance beyond that. Until I do I will continue to believe that the plan is still the same.
The more people it infects, the more it has the opportunity to mutate. These mutations can go in one of two ways: 1). It becomes harmless. Woohoo! Good times here we come (again). 2). It gets worse - more contagious or more fatal (or both). Bugger! - although it would burn itself out fairly quickly (unless zombies becomes a side-effect).