Still, some hedge funds have made a few hundred million out of it shorting airlines and other vulnerable industries. So that's nice.
The big problem with extending the time it lasts is the toll on the mental (and physical) health of those working for the NHS. Mortality figures in some parts of Italy and Spain already have a significant number of healthcare workers. Can we continue to expose them to danger and run the risk of a large number having PTSD.
The more people it infects the theory would be the less it can continue to infect as population is a finite number. Mutations usually make virus less fatal as this is better for survival, killing the host is actually a bad move for any virus. So as you rightly say if it were to become more contagious or deadly it would bring a conclusion more quickly. This horrible virus is sat it a "goldilocks zone" currently.
Probably more things to worry about at the minute than the economy.
Old traditional industries could lose a lot of jobs. New industries will create jobs. Already lots of new opportunities up and running - online classes, delivery, remote office workers, IT support, entertainment content, etc. The jobs might not be the same, but there will be opportunities and the longer it lasts the more opportunities there will be. Yes, it is going to be quicker than anyone expected, but many of these changes would be happening over the next few years anyway with automation and the information revolution. For the UK, a lot of this was heading down the tracks with Brexit anyway, its just highlighted the problems and made many of them happen earlier than expected.
Did the same in 2006, including my nearly paid off flat, prior to the crash, partly as a result of 9/11, partly due to technological changes (mp3 & downloading vs CDs & records) & partly due to the policy of my landlords, making terrible decisions regarding the direction that the arcade I was located in was going business wise.
These opportunities are short lived as the magic money tree is disappearing fast. Going forwards there simply isn't the money to fund these online classes, entertainment content etc. Those working from home instead of the office won't be able to as there won't be an office to work away from.
Probably more things to worry about at the minute.
Plus let’s be right - the NHS has basically stopped apart from the Covid cases. There’s only so long you can keep postponing routine operations/treatments/outpatient screenings etc before that starts to store you up a real problem for the future. You’ve only to go near a normally busy hospital to see that they’re all like ghost towns at the moment. Probably more things to worry about than the economy part 3
So my partner is 50 and has asthma. Her daughter has asthma. If we go back to normal now like you want what happens to them given that catching it could well be fatal? Do they get a wage equivalent to stay safe at home or do they get told tough **** and get back to work and college?
It already has caused a problem for the future. Its so sad but many people with serious illnesses have been sacrificed because their illness isn't called coronavirus. A decision has been made to take years off people's lives because their lifesaving treatment has been removed. A decision taken because of false information provided by an organisation with a history of false information that was latched onto by the public
The information you’re talking about was made FOR the government. It’s nothing to do with the public latching onto anything.
Oh it is. The public jumped on it the second it was leaked. People were slating the government and demanding a lockdown. Only then was one announced. They caved under public pressure because they had to be seen to be doing something
It was presumably leaked to get people on board for a lockdown before one was announced. Most things that are "leaked" are done so for someone's purposes.
It is absolutely terrible churton. There is no solution that will mean everybody is 100% safe but at the same time I can tell you that my cousin who had a stroke a two months ago had his treatment withdrawn directly as a result of this policy. My dad has had his cancer treatment withdrawn. My neighbour has had his lifesaving drugs removed etc.
The study was made for the government. It’s entire purpose was to inform the government decision, at the request of the government. The study was done by the same people that informed the original decision, which was the same study but based off the wrong virus. The science that you applauded initially because it gave the answer that you wanted. The study had a very conclusive conclusion, one that could not have been ignored. The government made the decision hours after the paper was published, it’s not like the paper was weeks old and they only made the decision when the public saw it, like you’re suggesting.
It is sad that the NHS has suffered years of underfunding and cannot cope with a pandemic let alone a pandemic and the normal workload. Those that made these decisions and those that voted for them are the ones to target. Far more world die with no restrictions if they attended hospital for those operations lowering their immune systems.