For funny football names look at numbers 7 8 and 9..... Some horrible combinations for a football commentator if they were playing slick passing between the three of them
Iain "Hulme" always used to make me want to kick holes in the wall for some reason. It's 4 letters and people still managed to get it wrong all the time.
R cant c wot all the fuss is abart as long as thar knows who there on abart, wots the problem, people that find fault with grammatical errors, wow, nivver hit the wrong button, and wot abart the ones on ere that might be dyslexic or brought through school as a special needs. Its not always black an white, were not all as intelligent as each other. Good post though just thinking of us wi dyslexia, its more common than thar might fink.
I still have no idea if it’s Mads Anderson or Andersen. He’s worn both names on his shirt this season, so clearly people at the club have no idea either. Maybe @YTBFC can assist!
I've always wondered why commentators and the club's media teams (all clubs by the way) don't make sure it's clear from the very beginning. Surely the player is right there so can be asked how to say his name. Take Hourihane for example. Nobody bothered to check how to say his name for years. They interviewed him, spoke to him regularly and nobody thought to ask. If I was a media guy for a club in the first video interview with a new signing I'd be saying "welcome to the club Mike now a lot of people will wonder this so how exactly do you pronounce Bahre?" Nice and simple. Every fan hears it first hand right from the off.
I knew about the fancy A and planned to use it. I set it all up perfectly, I typed the B and was all ready to hold my finger down on the a for a second but when it came to actually finishing off my good plan I bottled it, let go too early and messed it up. Just like Mike
The umlaut over the A is actually the same as adding an e after it. So if you can't be arsed to figure out how to type Ä or ä, you can type AE or ae. So it would be Mike Baehre or MIKE BAEHRE. Funnily enough. on his Instagram he himself uses the Baehre spelling!
See I always told you he was lazy. I never knew they were the same. I'm going to use that information to impress someone one day. Probably when the next transfer window opens. Struber is bound to sign at least one player spelt like that.
When I was learning German I used to get into a mess by confusing the umlaut and non-umlaut versions of characters (ä and a, ü and u, ö and o). As an example, the German word Schwül means close, sticky, muggy as in the weather. However, the German word Schwul means gay. It's important to get the spelling/pronunciation right when writing/talking about the weather on a hot sultry day.
What's the difference in pronunciation between the sticky and gay ones? I always (ok it's not constant obviously) wonder why some countries decided to have two variants of letters instead of simply introducing an extra letter.
It's obviously difficult to describe the pronunciation in words. The word Schwul rhymes with school, but Schwül is more difficult as the ü sound doesn't exist in English. The best approximation to ü is to start of saying ee (as in I see), but then round your lips as if you were saying o. More info and some examples here, if you're that interested