not like some nob'eds about having being named a designated key worker, which as a postie is pure total absolute ******, but the wife is a carer for bmbc too so cut us some slack can i **** get into a supermarket to buy a trolley load, yes i want the non essential beer but also need fresh fruit & veg and after a long shift yesterday to 2 tescos, morrisons,lidl & aldi ended up at a express shop & today the same, not a prayer! both the wife and i must work tomorrow and she sun/mon too, snap in in the house? **** all bar milk, stale bread bought today and frozen fish fingers! fuckin wankas! if anyone lives in the area i deliver in, **** it, i ain't knocking too loud, totally pissed off
same as you mate, courier. I started at 5 this morning to help with loadings, stacking etc and I’ve just this minute walked back in the front door. 368 stops. It’s getting ridiculous now, and my mrs is also a key worker so we are struggling to get to the shops due to the ridiculous queues of people who are still panic buying. There should be a system, a line in which NHS and key workers can queue separate to the others and be giving priority. Obviously all the NHS workers should be prioritised over the key workers, but we should be given priority over those who are not working. we’re doing numbers higher than Christmas, it’s just gone insane. I’ve knocked off over 1400 parcels up to now and there’s another day left this week to work. Legs, arms and head are in bits. Takeaway again for us as we can’t get in the shops.
feel your pain dude i love my pizzas but know i need to get a proper dinner 4 or 5 times a week is essential last thing i wanna do is join a massive queue after a long shift it's not like i'm the big I AM and expect priority but after a 10/11 hour shift i'd expect some consideration
ought to add, i don't feel it right to queue up on the only day of rest this week, we also working saturday
i agree, but how is it policed? i'd feel a reight tw@t walking up to front and got turned away! noticed our 2 tesco and morrisons shut 1 door, why not open them to keyworkers only, trouble is i've no ID unless in uniform ;-)
As a fellow Postie I've been busy at work (it's like Christmas) with parcels and packets all essential items i'am sure!!!! By time i get home i don't feel like queueing up and there's not much left anyway.Youd think all key workers could go early on a Sunday (not this Sunday obviously lol). It's all about the ££££ not an essential service.
To be honest if I was in the queue and someone asked to go in front of me because they were working I'd say yes, I'm not working at the moment so I've the time to wait.
to be honest RH you're too nice ;-) but in the real world too many see posties as an enemy these days i try my best but always fall short
My dog. But on a serious note if ever you need owt shout up on here, I've sorted one poster out. As long as it's not from one stop/go local on Racecommon road
Already mentioned this person before on here but tonight I finally had enough and called her out on her selfish attitude towards this lockdown. she nips round to her mates house every weekend, she’s been round to another mates this evening to have a drink and she’s going out with another mate tomorrow for a picnic. But this is all acceptable because she remains socially distant from them. off. Told her social distancing is a last ditch attempt at keeping people safe if they really have to leave the house, it’s not a guide just in case you want to nip round your mates for a piss up. Best thing about it is she has a cousin who is on the high risk list due to her immune system being shot, and she’s still doing this? It just aggravates me mate honestly.
Well I appreciate getting my mail still. My 50th would have been rubbish without cards! I think you might be surprised .
the original post was to avoid attention our much needed NHS staff, it was intended to highlight non NHS but recognised as key workers, to which my wife & i are and our in-ability to go to a supermarket before or after a days graft to buy fresh goods
Genuine question, has the post dropped off quite a bit since the last couple of weeks? I ask cos we’ve noticed we are getting hardly any post now, which we just put down to people not being at work so not able to post etc.
genuine answer is where do you live? and i've just had 2 weeks isolation too the actual letters as probably dropped but we are extremely busy on parcels
What happens if Mavis in finance is the one who is signing off the purchase orders for PPE or ensuring the funding is in place to cover out of budget care costs that have arisen through the pandemic?
We are in Lincoln pal, so don’t suppose you would know for us, was just wondering generally. Expected parcels cos I know a few couriers and they are saying same.