There's no planes so no vapour trails. That's vapour trails that exist not chem trails that loony conspiracy theorists believe in. In the absence of vapour trails peak daily temperatures rise: more of the sun's rays hit the earth and warm everything up. However, average daily temperatures fall: the greenhouse effect they contribute to is no longer present allowing heat to radiate back into space and at night everything cools down faster and more significantly. The amount it contributes to these phenomenon? We'll have to see. But although the last couple of days have been beautiful and very warm by the afternoon, the mornings have been freezing. I can't see a vapour trail in the sky and it's usually full of them.
I’m sure the scientists will get some amazing data from this that they’d have never got otherwise. Let’s hope it’s used as a wake up call to governments across the world.
Been on m25 past Heathrow this morning saw 2 plane’s incoming and1 taking off less than normal but still flying
Well I'm south of Leeds and one's just gone over on its way from Amsterdam to Mexico. I can feel it getting warmer, or should that be cooler, already!
Apparently 50% reduction in road fuel consumption too. My credit card statement is showing a 80% drop in fuel consumption so I guess it's not too surprising.
The USA map looks strange. I live in San Francisco and planes pass over me on a regular basis due to the flight path. I hardly see a plane per day now, including freight.
heres San Fran about a minute ago.... there’s lots, but it is much reduced on what it was 3 weeks ago....
Are you saying Flightradar24 app isn’t right?... Ignore that, just zoomed in and lots where at the airports. Waiting or just landing...
About a week or so ago I was watching a news programme, sorry can’t remember channel let alone who the scientist/ spokesman for the environment was but he basically said it’ll take helluva lot more than a few weeks Without air traffic for it to make a difference to to the climate. Haven’t a clue missen, just remember seeing that.
What I heard someone say on the discussion on 5 live I think was similar in that even a few months would have a negligible impact on the climate if we go back to "normal" after. However it would still produce a lot of interesting data to work off and build modeling from.
My car hasnt been off the drive for 3 weeks now - I usually fill it a couple of times a month and I filled it last time it was out - even if I do use it to go to the shops its only a 3 mile round trip - doubt I will go near a petrol station during lockdown - unless its to fill a 5 litre can of petrol for my lawnmower - still got 2 or 3 cuts left in the can at the moment though