I could never quite get some of the lyrics to Hoochie Coochie Man So I googled them...... I got the black cat bone and I got a mojo, too. I got the John the conqueror Root, gonna mess with you. In particular 'John the conqueror Root' - what is that!!!??? (High) John the conqueror Root - is a 'Staple of Hoodoo Magic' - in African-American folklore High John the conqueror was sold into slavery........ This now makes perfect (non)sense to me now - But the reason I post this is to encourage others to find stuff out like this especially if you are going stir crazy
I’ve learnt that there is a myriad of footpaths bridle ways and cut throughs throughout town and that there are even more ***** on bikes who pavement ride than usual.
I learned that Chin Chin - or what posh folk say instead of Cheers - derives from Qin Qin - a Chinese greeting meaning please please.
I learned how to use Movie Maker today inspired by Jay's post to Young Nudger. I decided against the porn though and went with a video of Lydia playing with her toys instead.
She's spoiled to death. I can't imagine this lockdown without her though - best timing ever! We should have been giving her back a week today which I am definitely not ready for.
I've learned how to open doors, turn taps on and off, and use the soap dispenser using only my elbows. Unfortunately I've missed the deadline for this year's Britain's Got Talent.
Yeah, we'll definitely continue although depending on timings (when a new dog is ready etc.) we may have a little break to be able to go out and do things together. Not only has it been great timing that the lockdown is whilst we have her as she keeps us entertained but also we can't really go anywhere whilst we have her anyway so we're not missing much.
I think it's pretty amazing doing that to help train a guide dog. Not a great deal different from fostering an actual child really is it and takes up just as much time.
Fostering is something I've thought about a few times, not ready for that though! Also, I'm not going to lie, some of the motivation for helping training the dog is definitely selfish as it's wonderful having a dog around.
Pheasants are not wild,50 million of them are put into the countryside each year to be shot,wonder if it still going on in lockdown?
Google Timelines - hours of fun. I don't mind them spying on me, I can't remember all the places I have been to.
You can bet your life it is. Take more than worldwide pandemics and lockdowns to keep posh boys away from their bloodfest.
I’ve learned that generally in life I spend waaaay too much money, I’m now earning a lot less and yet I’m better off