BBC News - Coronavirus: WWE resumes live fights after being deemed 'essential'
If you haven't watched the film "Idiocracy" you need to, this is a true feeling of what America is turning into, I know I live in it and see it everyday. You would not believe some of the things I hear and see everyday, not tarring all Americans, just the ones I meet.
As a wrestling fan I find the whole thing odd. I can understand why rules would be bent for them because through their peformance center being in Florida and regularly having Wrestlemania in the state, they bring a heck of a lot of money to their economy and won't want to annoy the Mcmahon family so they get overlooked for future big shows. It's also well known the Mcmahon family have been best mates with Trump since the early 80s when one of his venues got a couple of the early Wrestlemania shows. I get why they would want to carry on because after 9/11 happened they were the first entertainment company to put on a show..... Plus they have only recently started a five year contract worth a billion dollars with Fox to put on a live weekly show every Friday night and have another contract for their live Monday night show Raw. I suspect those networks with their watertight contracts will have put pressure on them to stay live so they don't breach it. Otherwise they could have done what Impact Wrestling do where they film upwards of six weeks of shows in a few days so they can spend far less time on the road.