Because the Tory mentality is survival of the fittest. "Who cares if a few old people die". Or even autistic children, it seems
Because a ventilator presumably wouldn't save them? And I think a fair few would have DNR as well. I hope those are the reasons!
When you go to hospital with Covid-19 you are assessed and given a score. Below a certain number and you will be treated, above and you will be given palliative care. (Or the other way around)
I have heard at least one care home has written to an employee (currently self-isolating due to COVID symptoms) to warn them that due to the high death rate they will be closing the care home and furloughing the staff in the next week or two.
Seems completely bonkers though that at the moment we aren't still trying to save everyone. I'm led to believe we still have spare ventilators and beds so we should be trying to save anyone possible or its pointless essentially locking people in their homes.
Are you suggesting that the care homes are refusing to call ambulances and refusing their residents access to hospitals? Surely that can't be right
Why not do some research away from this site. You might get the answer without the vacuous tribalism.
The elderly are seen as a pain by the government. With them gone they save money on their care, on their medication and on their pensions.
I'm sure someone on here either works or knows someone who is close to them who works in a care home? They should know and hopefully we will get some answers. Many of the elderly residents would be physically incapacatous for various reasons and i guess the contraction of the virus would sadly quicken their demise significantly. I guess a ventilator would have no chance of saving their lives. Fitter residents no idea. The point i was making however is that the majority of care homes for the elderly are privately run which means they are not under the jurisdiction of the state: they are independent.
This should answer most of your questions but in summary few people in care homes will score a low enough total to be considered for ICU
Oh yes I know most are independent but I'd have thought they'd still be duty bound to call an ambulance where needed rather than taking a decision to end a residents life without any attempt
My gran has a signed DNR on her records. Her choice as she want to go with a bit of dignity rather than being kept alive artificially. She’s not in a home and will never unless convalescing after treatment reside in one. She made that request years ago. I wonder how many in homes have already got something similar in place. Are you suggesting that if they get diagnosed with C19, any DNR request is revoked?