Still banging on about trying to finish this season. Can’t see it happening. At the end of the day, football is an entertainment business. The results don’t actually matter, the only thing that matters is games being played, providing the entertainment. That’s the reason I feel like this season should be scrapped and next season started as soon as it’s safe to do so.
Absolutely bang on. Sets out the intentions and informs both the customers and the affected employees what they plan to happen but also makes it abundantly clear that this will only be done when it is safe. Clear there is no pressure to return too quick and no timescale has been decided upon (despite some on social media making it up) There can't be any complaints with that
Football is a sport and results matter in the exact same way that the Olympics are sports. You wouldn't tell Jess Ennis that her winning gold didn't really matter, what mattered was that people watched it in person. Also what's the difference from your entertainment aspect of watching a game this season on follow or watching one from next season on follow? Apart from our league position of course which is the true reason many want it scrapped.
Which bit even suggests at that? They CANT let you go to watch games in person. Instead they are proposing it being shown on TV or ifollow. What's the alternative that gives fans more access?
I just don’t think there will be the opportunity to play this season out and do next season too. Surely it’s better to have a full season in the next 12 months than 9 games or whatever it is? It has nothing to do with our league position. I actually prefer league 1. I’d much rather see us winning in league 1 than losing in the championship.
I very very much doubt that they would finish this season and then have a year break. It would kill clubs. What they will do is either finish this one and go straight into next one possibly without any cups. Or finish this one and then have a small break and simply move the season back by a few months. Formula one for example have plans that allow them to push this season back and essentially go straight into next season with either no or a very short break
I think with how things are evolving, we will be lucky to have anything that involves mass spectating until 2022. Whether people want to watch closed matches on the telly is another angle to be expl red by the leagues.
Social distancing for the public might go on another 18 months. But in the world of football they can get back to playing contact sport in less than two months.
Very decent statement. Not a lot more can really be said at this stage. I still think it's too early to rule out finishing this season off. Going to be a case of waiting for everyone.
Where is the two month deadline? And if we cannot have physical contact in 18 months you're looking at millions dead and suicides at untold levels. In other words it won't happen
Why don't they abandon the season. Then start a shorter season without cups. This season can give each club a point weighting based on the season premature end. the point for me is if clubs play behind closed doors it clearly says to me that the statement ‘football is all about the fans’ is completely untrue and is more about the sponsors, TV rights and the authorities. If the season is ended and all current positions are held as final then so be it. If the season is abandoned so be it. Behind closed doors to finish a season doesn't sit right with me especially if its unsafe to have people there isnt it also unsafe to have players, officials, press and TV, medical people there?
If they apparently want players back in training 16th of May to start early June that's dangerous. You're right about social distancing it's simply not possible especially on public transport. With all the nightmare stories the press like to post for their website clicks, it's always refreshing to get another angle......
The letter never mentions may. Nor have the EFL ever said they would restart in may. What they said was that when it was a 3 week shutdown by the government that preliminary it would be that date in may IF the lockdown wasn't extended and it was deemed safe. That was jumped upon by social media as them saying it WOULD restart in that date.
I don't know about you but I'd much rather watch Barnsley on TV in a couple of months than wait 6 months to watch it live. As presumably would the 90% of fans who don't go to every away game?
22 players, 3 match officials, 14 subs, 2 managers, 2 asst managers, 4 physios, the fourth official, ball boys, emergency medical team, cameramen, sound techs, and God knows who else behind the scenes. What could possibly go wrong?
That's why they have said it won't return until it's safe. Unless you believe it can never be safe again for humans to come into contact with each other? In which case wouldn't it be wise for the army to come and gut meadowhall to convert it into its new permanent use as a hospital? Warehouses up and down the country can be converted into self contained single occupancy flats
Finally they've acknowledged the need for appropriate medical support. Now all they need to do is find some!
I didn't get that sort of feeling from it at all. It was a well considered and factual statement and stressed the importance of supporters to the sport.