I came across a film called contagion on Netflix last night.. it came out in 2011 The plot is basically about a virus. A woman goes to china and contracts the virus from a bat. The symptoms? I'll let you guess. People dying all over the world. Big coincidence? I doubt it very much
I’m not sure what your conspiracy theory is? That they knew about COVID in 2011? That the bat story for COVID is false?
It does. It’s eerily accurate to the current situation. That doesn’t automatically equal conspiracy theory to me, though. It merely shows how much more prepared we should have been as a world.
You’re right, I’m sure when they were coming up with a lie to kill the economy and keep everybody at home for some reason, they could think of nothing other than a film that was viewed by millions and is available to millions more via a subscription that everybody has. Nobody would suspect a thing.
What is bizarre about my post? I have done research on this.. it's all over Facebook and other social media. People are talking about this film and the big coincidences
Or incredibly they just came up with the "Original idea " for the film based on the previous outbreaks of SARS conviruses. SARS-CoV in 2002/3 which started in southern china and was believed to have originated from Horseshoe bats. which didn't thankfully spread to western Europe , there was a few isolated cases in Canada. the second one MERS-CoV in 2012 which again didn't spread to europe. And now we have the third which did. bizarrely the official name for the virus is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) but the disease is called and referred to as COVID-19. the reason the name and the virus are not the same is that they didn't want to scare people especially in Asia because of the deadly outbreak in 2003 in that region. The WHO said yesterday that currently there is no evidence of immunity from COVID-19 after you have had it once and reports are coming out of china of people getting it twice. And more and more scientists are coming out and saying there may never be a vaccine for it as there is already 4 Corona virus in circulation with no vaccine available for any of them which makes plans and strategies for it in the medium and long term that we are doing at the moment pointless ? if that proofs to be true Our best hope i would presume is that it is a one so called season outbreak and it doesn't return and the Chinese deal with these wet markets to stop it resurfacing again and again. The caveat to this is that the first SARS was more deadly than this one but not as infectious in its ability to spread at speed before it could be identified and measures took to halt it which is presumably why it didn't spread worldwide where as this one spread worldwide before it was officially identified and before measures could be took to halt its spread. Incidentally my wife works at a Supermarket and they have taken that film off the shelves and stopped selling it.
What's bizarre is that you're suggesting a shadowy cabal created and released a virus after getting the idea from a Hollywood film. Laughing at "I have done research on this"... on Facebook.