Coronavirus: Man 'spat in the faces of police officers' In modern society what is someone’s mindset when after being arrested for alleged assault that with everything going on in the world they feel it’s their right to spit in police officers faces- forget that- any human beings face. Police/ mostly good and yes some bell ends, but they are all human beings with feelings, families etc. Police are not robots, or some type of AI they have a right to live and breath like everyone else. Going to work in a Police uniform should never mean they are de humanised or have to put up with this type of vile behaviour. On lockdown I watched a documentary about assaults on police increasing. Showed a case of an officer being attacked from behind, hit with a mobile phone clenched fist. Caused severe concussion and the creature who did this got a suspended sentence- the courts need to send out a message to all in society including these pond dwellers to say it’s not acceptable to assault Police, Fire Crews, Doctor’s Nurses etc. when I was a nipper, we got up to mischief but never ever ever disrespected officials the way that today seems the norm. Ps. My wife is a Police officer. Been spat at, had groups of youths surround her saying they will rape her, has recently had to attend incidents where groups are taunting and throwing stones at nurses leaving work.
It's a real difficult one is this, some will know my daughter is also a police officer so I know the type of behaviour you describe, I'm worried for her every time she goes to work. There is a sizeable minority of our society who do not know how to behave. They are the product of the breakdown of the ethos of respect that we had for both our families and the police in our day. In the olden days sons followed fathers into work, sons HAD fathers in them days. Fathers taught them respect and work ethics (bit of generalisation there, not everyone was a saint but you get my drift.) Bad behaviour or a visit from the rozzers would have brought shame on the family. Since the 80's the concept of marriage has become less popular, an unmarried teenager in those with a couple of kids was relatively uncommon. Nowadays it's rife, there are fatherless families on every street, multiple father families very common, and some of these mothers get pregnant at 16, their daughter then gets pregnant at 16,and so on. Fathers come and go (no pun intended but apt). These kids are having kids and there is no consequence for anti-social behaviour, no family structure. I'm not demonising single mothers by the way, rather highlighting the change in attitudes in the last 40 years. On the next street to me there last week were about 8 emaciated younger men, around 18 to 20, all gathered on 2 doorsteps, smoking weed, drinking, being loud and abusive to passers by. No effort at social distancing. They have an old trial bike with no number plates and often ride it up and down the road, no helmets, no MOT, no insurance. Real horrible bunch of people. The police are often called to them but to my knowledge nothing has ever been done about them. They make the lives of people on that street a misery when they start the drinking and loud music, yet they seem to get away with a warning or whatever the equivalent is. The police must be sick of dealing with them, but is there any real deterrent for them? They have no respect for anyone, they laugh and sneer at authority, they are pretty much scum in my eyes and will continue making peoples lives miserable. I would pay extra taxes if the government would put the money into building new prisons, with single cells, a toilet, and a hatch for food. Then introduce 3 strikes rule. 3rd strike, 6 months in prison in solitary, full sentence to be served. No phone, no computer access, no drugs, no booze. Any repeat of the offending is a 12 month sentence.
Any assailant needs naming and shaming then after this situation has passed there needs to be an excessively violent reckoning.
I keep reading how this current situation is going to change society for the better when it's over but I seriously doubt that, society is broken, respect and decency are in large a thing of a bygone age, today's society is all about self important. I sincerely hope I'm proved wrong
I'm a big believer in self policing, neighbourhoods coming together and putting a stop to it. It's impossible for the police to cover all areas. I've come across this for no reason walking with my family and another occasion walking my dog never mind a police officer going in to the worst areas. You see it all the time at football grounds as well. They just need a good hiding as the justice system isn't allowed to protect normal decent people enough from scum.
The only safe and sensible thing to do would be to allow officers to immediately set any spitters on fire, only putting them out once they've apologised.
No , Policing needs leaving to the police. Give them the proper resources and support and it would soon make a difference. Vigilante and Kangaroo type courts/ action is not the solution and would soon lead to counter-action/revenge and what a mess that would be.
Hopefully mate he'll get put away. Like a lot have been of late. But I wouldn't put em in prison I'd put em in boot camp. Doubling their sentence Everytime they commit another offence. Muzzling em in the process, then only allow em to take em off to eat in solitary. B'stds.
Whilst I’ve read of some serious incidents, and there were thousands of numpties who decided we were all one holiday’ at first... Im speaking to my neighbours more than ever, we’re shopping for friends and relatives, and chatting to them, people are doing a lot to help out others too. people are doing more for charities too, there are many other examples. like always, there are plenty of positives, but some people will concentrate on the negatives. I think (as always) what we see is often a reflection of what we ‘want’ to see.
No I don't, I use triple ply quilted thank you, I get my ideas from my own eyes and experience, as do the majority on this site. What would be your solution to the problem of anti-social behaviour and the appalling attacks on our police/ambulance/NHS hospital A&E, and firefighter staff, as well as making the lives of many innocent citizens a misery? I'm genuinely interested to see how you think this problem can be solved?
Spitting at Police Officers , Nurses, Ambulance Crew , Firemen , Social Workers , anyone really ,is not a modern phenomenon , it’s always happened . It’s particularly unpleasant , unless you were at a Punk gig in the 70’s
So do I. This is the hopefully the best thing that can come out of this horrible situation and it starts now.
Not a reflection of what I want to see... but it is happening more and more, ignoring it won’t make it go away
My point was that "hang em and flog em" tends to reflect the views of the Mail's readership, and, as is often the case with the Mail's readership, it is somewhat at odds with reality. I would take all the additional taxes that you would gladly spend on throwing away the key, and the lives of the people in question, and spend it on primary and secondary education, and on genuine prison reform that is built around education and meaningful future prospects. Education has and always will be the answer to most social problems. Watch this documentary — — whilst it is about the US, it could be replicated pretty much anywhere. (You can watch this doc with a VPN) 97.5% of those that complete the Bard Prison Initiative (which is what the doc is about) never return to prison. So a near perfect reform rate. By comparison, the U.K's recidivism rate fluctuates between roughly 55-75% over the course of a decade, post-release: depending on the severity crime, age etc — lots of interested parties, government bodies and NGOs tend to cook the figures differently, depending on their interest. For reference, Norway's recidivism rate is between 15-25% and they invest more per capita in education than the UK by about 2.5%, and they also have the most liberal prison system in the world.