how do we get Laura Kuenssberg off our telly, every question she asks is obtuse and she just looks to cause panic and drama at every opportunity
I’ve seen a lot of people on my timelines questioning journalists who were strangely happy with them at the last election. If we aren’t holding politicians to task and picking on journalists instead it’s a very strange situation
Be careful what you say about slant mouth she got me a life ban from Twitter for asking her who she took orders from Boris or his sidekick Cummings when she tweeted that blatant lie during the GE about a labour activist punching Matt Hancock in Leeds in the tweet I called Boris a **** which apparently offended her greatly read into that whatever you went.
I keep listening to these COVID 19 virus updates on an afternoon on BBC where you get the likes of Laura Kaunssberg asking questions to Hancock and the 2 medical advisors to the government and what I would like to know is, have these two medical advisors Sir Patrick Valance and Chris Whitty been sent by the NHS to help the government or have they been cooped on by this Tory government by being Torys themselves I say this because not one as ever pulled the government down in the way they have handled certain bemusing aspects like PPE equipment to front line NHS workers for example to name but one. I have yet to hear a question answered by Hancock and these 2 advisors seam to back him up at every opportunity. I have read, trying to find out my question, that Sir Patrick Valance at the beginning of the epidemic was in favour of the herd immunity idea the same as Dominic Cummings thank god that never happened.
Who knows if it would have been right or wrong. Be interesting to see how things turn out in Sweden who have not gone into lockdown and believe that is the best approach.
It would have been more interesting if India hadn't gone into lock down and seen what happened to them.
They’re members is Sage and advise the government It’s clear that Sweden’s strategy wouldn’t have worked for India, because of population density and the healthcare system. We’re somewhere between the both of them however, and it’s clear that in the early stages SAGE were thinking very carefully about taking taking an approach similar to that adopted by Sweden. It seems like we’ve decided against it, probably partly due to the density of certain urban areas and the fact that the they needed to go into full lockdown to keep the R at a sustainable level. It’s probably the case that Sweden didn’t need to go into lockdown to keep the R at a sustainable level.
Sweden is a sparsely populated country with only a few large cities and their health services are obviously much better funded than ours with the capacity to cope with the demands of a sharper spike in the curve. If only we hadn't run down our's over the last 15 years.....