Cricket in England will not start before this date , yet still football carries on thinking they can restart soon .
Can't see why Cricket can't resume. County cricket is played in empty stadia anyway. Unless the virus takes out the slip cordon.
Agree ST, but there is quite an amount of speculation that things could start to move forward in mid May, but as you rightly say, there's no firm date yet.
Looks very much like 1st October is being touted by the EFL as the day when fans could be allowed to attend games again. If matches can start before then, they are saying they would probably have to take place behind closed doors.
The EFL have no jurisdiction on this at all, no authority, no guidance, nothing at all to say, and the sooner they finally come clean and admit that rather than randomly coming up with arbitrary dates, then the sooner a grown up conversation can take place about what is actually going to happen.
A month in lockdown and still over 5,000 infections a day. No chance sport is coming back in this country for a long time even without fans.
Totally agree. The Government will surely have to give the go ahead before any form of live sport can commence. Incidentally, did anyone else see " Newsnight" last night.? There was a discussion on Swedens approach to the pandemic. They are taking a different stance in that apart from social distancing, they have not implemented a full lock down. Only time will tell whether their strategy was the right way to go.
They'd have to stop for bad light. If they played indoors would a one handed catch off the wall count as a wicket?
The difference is that Sweden has an intelligent population that are actually adhering to proper social distancing. Would you trust the British public to do the same if there was no restrictions? Sweden is also far more spread out in population density, which makes it easier, I admit. I still don’t trust the British public to not **** it up, which is why the lockdown is necessary. Look at the amount of ******* idiots that went to the pub on the night they closed them.
Went on a walk round the outside of wombwell golf course this aft with the missus. And it struck me that as for social distancing. golf if monitored properly would be a sport to be reintroduced earlier than most. Be it on a professional or Public basis. Very little social/physical contact if any. Could be achieved. If rules were set. Pro’s carrying their own clubs using trolleys n carts if necessary.
Sweden has had five times more deaths than Norway and Finland combined from a similar total population. Yes, Swedes are naturally socially distancing and many live 1-2 to a home, but the death rate there is comparatively high - especially if recovery is found not to give immunity (as is suspected at the moment).
agree, there should be some indication of what would happen if the go ahead to resume football was say 1 May or if it's 1 August or later. Clubs seem to be keeping their powder dry and not saying what they would like.. Either matches are played or the season is voided ??? I would guess the thing the Football authorities don't want and daren't risk is clubs challenging things through the courts. Not sure if I'm right here but I think most clubs would be happy to have the season voided with no promotions or relegations