My manager at work passed away yesterday from covid . 37 year old father of a 3 month old no underlining health conditions This really is tragic times . RIP Dean
That's absolutely terrible. It terrifies me when people not much older than me, with no underlying health conditions, pass away from this. I just don't understand how it happens - and I hope I never do.
That's really tragic BL. Can't begin to think how his partner, family, friends and you colleagues are feeling at this time. This terrible virus doesn't discriminate unfortunately. The reports on the News bulletins are bleak and I've stopped getting a daily paper for now, because they too are concentrating on the pandemic and is becoming more depressing by the day. We've got to attempt to support each other in the hope that it might all end in the not too distant, so we can hopefully get back to some semblance of normality.
All my timeline seems to be at the minute - people dying or someone who knows someone that has died from this. Seems a lot of us have been affected by the virus in some way - my condolosonces go your colleague's family and friends
Very very sad it’s a terrible disease and it’s a total lottery as to how it affects people. So sorry for you and his family.
Hence the reason to obey the lockdown. I despair at times. 95% sticking to it though. Sad sad that this is still happening. Light will show at the end of the tunnel soon. Just feel for the loved ones left behind.
So so sad, its a shame so many people aren't heeding the social distancing. Which isn't helping stop it spreading.
That’s so so sad. RIP young man and sincere condolences to loved ones. I watched Look North last night and It featured a Rugby League Coach from Dewsbury. He’d just been discharged from Pinderfields after spending time in Intensive Care with the the Virus. Apparently a fairly fit bloke with no underlying conditions. He said he had no symptoms other than he suddenly started to struggle to breath and was rushed to hospital. He was in a coma for 2 weeks. Scary times indeed.
Truly tragic, heart breaking news. Condolences to the young man's family and to you & the rest of his work colleagues.
Very sad news. RIP. For me, this is the unfathomable side to the virus. I'm no scientist, but I'm struggling to understand why some otherwise fit and healthy younger (under 50s) people are hit so hard, while others don't even know they have it. There seems to be no sense to it at all.
Saw on a newspaper this morning, just glanced, Family and friends (up to 10) might be allowed togeather. Hope this is paper talk because its madness and go's against everything we're doing now!
Sorry to hear that. Any death is horrible to hear about but for his partner and such a young baby is absolutely heart breaking . I hope you and your colleagues are ok too
Completely unworkable too. Grandparents with two kids both of who have 2 kids. That's your 10 but means that parents have to choose which grandparents are part of their life and which aren't worthy
As of 21st April only 118 people in that age bracket had died. I don't say that to downplay it but to show how truly tragic this news is. I can't imagine what the family are going through. Condolences to his family and friends. Hearing stories like this is truly heartbreaking.