Yes but we are all taking about her incompetence and igoring the fact that even by the governments very flawed counting system we passed 20,000 deaths - the target they thought was a good outcome. The general view is the actual figure is nearer double that when nursing home and community deaths are included and even though infections have peaked for now we will still see many thousands more deaths in the coming weeks
They were tipping the UK to the worst hit country in Europe weeks ago because we locked down too late.
I said this last week - it's fascinating how the media's reporting of the UK situation has differed from how we reported circumstances in Italy. Some of the coverage was proper end of days stuff, but now we just get fairly clinical coverage of the numbers. If only the government had managed the outbreak as well as they manage the media.
Fully aware that can happen but she's not good at reading out numbers written in front of her after her attempts to read out the one from the other week
So when she promised to ‘look into’ the charges for foreign NHS workers during this press conference, what she meant was ‘Don’t get me wrong - we are grateful that these foreigners are willing to risk their lives in our NHS, but I’m still going to charge them for the privilege’. Nasty piece of work.
I had the dubious pleasure of meeting her a few times she is absolutely vile and vacuous. Next level twathook.