Breaking news on a few websites. French govt have told them no football before August. I hate quoting this sh.itrag, but.....
While I'm keen to see football come back, mainly from a work point-of-view, I think the PL are pissing in the wind. Looks like teams are returning to training over the next week or two - how long before an isolated outbreak at a training complex, or a player self-isolating because someone his missus works with has caught it.....then everything stops again.
Looks like they will give run away leaders PSG the title and sort the rest of the European places out in the ne t few days. Be interesting to see what they do with relegation with Toulouse 17 points adrift.
Interestingly, France has announced plans today to start to end the lockdown on 11th May, but it would be a slow process.
Less offensive link here saves me looking at the one in the Fail
Borussia Monchengladbach are getting ready for it.
Don't underestimate the money-grabbers at the EPL. We're not cancelling unless we're forced to by a higher body (UEFA, Government, Zeus)
I don't get why they have to make any decisions now. What happens if sport isn't ready to go until the new year? What happens to next season? Surely it's easier to complete this season, and then shorten next season when we know the exact dates and amount of games.
Did you know that's how the Owls got their name? They were so **** the owner said we may as well call it a day.
Probably the last country in the world. They keep banging on about integrity when everyone knows that it is really all about money. If there was a dictionary specifically written for football I don't think the word integrity would be listed in it.
The problem is that so many players are out of contract at the end of June. You can’t impose a blanket extension, as that breaks employment law and why would clubs that have nothing to play for choose to extend contracts for expansive players that will get them nothing back? It destroys the competition just as much as cancelling it imo