Obviously people now thinking it's over, because neighbor's have people coming and going all time,yet come thursday be clapping on doorsteps again.
https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/yorkshire-suffers-more-deaths-anywhere-18153275 We've been hit the worse in the past 24 hours. We've a long way to go.
Has anybody noticed lately, anecdotal evidence that the public is ignoring the lockdown, small businesses are reopening and the roads, locally being busier. Radio travel news reports traffic jams up and down the country indicating that more people are on the roads. Has anybody noticed in the last week or so, a complete absence of stories about police warnings about playing with the kids in your own garden, stopping beach barbecues, tracking walkers with drones or spoiling beauty spots to discourage visitors? Could this be the government moving into the blame game phase. “Yes, the death toll is horrendous, but we did advise you to self isolate but you ignored the advice.” It’s all our fault then...
They didn't act until everyone was basically self imposing their own, they're now hoping people will start to move about again and then they can lift it. Bunch of wimps who want to look popular and won't take the decisions needed to keep us safe.
It's not as if we've had a proper lockdown anyway, thanks to the farce that is daily exercise. Some countries haven't had that luxury and they've been at it longer.
Yeah everyone should be in there house 24 hours a day and the army dropping rations off via drones. Now that's a proper lockdown. Non of this every man and his dog taking up running.
Army dropping off rations via drones? Luxury! In my day they launched it from a giant rotating catapult and you had to hope it hit your open window to get some snap. It was either that or choose your least favourite pet.
Eat your least favourite pet? You had it lucky. We used to dream of having a least favourite pet to eat. In my day, we had to put used teabags on the window sill to entice snails in from the garden. With a bit of rationing, a pan of Mam's homemade escargot could last us all week.
Snails ! you’re lucky, best we could manage was a handful of hot gravel before doing a twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month !
Round here I can only observe social distancing. I feel for the Spanish children who only got out for an hour for the first time in 5 weeks yesterday.
The local park where i live as put huge rocks in front of the car park to stop people parking, so what do they do - park everywhere else, crazy!
As far as i understood it you were not allowed to travel for exercise. Correct me if iam wrong but surely that's defeating the object? You can get exercise without travelling.
When I go for my run I estimate 40% of the vehicles on the road are police cars. I assume they’re having to hammer the overtime for all the double time they’re missing out on bullying football fans.
The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing (COP) have released new guidance for police officers enforcing the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, The good news, for drinkers and nature lovers, is that the new guidance anticipates buying alcohol will be reasonable (as long as purchased alongside other, even more essential, items), as will driving to the countryside to walk (provided far more time is spent walking than driving) and stopping to rest or to eat lunch while on a long walk.
The 'guidelines' are pathetic. You're only allowed to drive if your exercise lasts longer than your journey and you should avoid driving for 'brief' pieces of excersise. So in theory you can drive 3 hours and run a 4 hour marathon.