Can’t remember which pub we were talking about as still being open a few weeks back, this ones just been caught. There’s some absolute simpletons about. NEWS: Prohibition notice served to Sheffield pub flouting Covid restrictions A Sheffield pub, which was found to still be opening despite current coronavirus restrictions, has been served a prohibition notice by South Yorkshire Police and Sheffield City Council. The Pitsmoor Hotel on Pitsmoor Road was brought to the attention of licensing teams by members of the public who had reported it was still serving customers. The new Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 were announced by the Government earlier this month. Under this new legislation local authorities and the police can close premises that are flouting the closure ban. John O’Malley, Liquor Licensing Manager at South Yorkshire Police, said: “On Friday night, officers attended the premises and found a number of people hiding in cupboards, the pub was clearly still open for business. “What makes this more significant, is that the license holder has already been served a prohibition notice under the legislation for another premise, The Staffordshire Arms on Sorby Street. “Licenses for both venues are now under review by ourselves and Sheffield City Council, so there could be long-term implications for these businesses. “Right across South Yorkshire we have seen fantastic support, compliance and respect for the restrictions from our licensed premises. “I want responsible businesses to see that we are taking enforcement action when it comes to venues who are flouting the rules and ultimately putting lives at risk. “I’d also like to thank the public for being vigilant and reporting their concerns.” Reports continue to be made these are being investigated. Anyone found to be operating in contravention of the new rules will face enforcement action. Cllr Bob Johnson, Cabinet Member for Transport and Development at Sheffield City Council, said: "These restrictions are in place to protect everyone from the spread of coronavirus. "Hundreds of people are still dying in the UK amidst this pandemic and whilst I am heartened by the sacrifices the vast majority of individuals and responsible businesses are making during this lockdown period, it seems some appear to believe they can ignore the regulations and in doing so risk spreading the virus. "In these cases, as we have shown here, we will follow up on complaints and take firm action. "This license holder has ignored the restrictions, despite having another premises shut down, and may now face additional consequences around the future of these licenses. "We ask members of the public to continue reporting their concerns so that we can protect our NHS and protect lives." Details of the Government's guidance is here People can report these issues seven days a week by emailing: Alternatively they can ring the citizens advice bureau who work closely with councils on consumer protection issues, Monday to Friday on 0808 2231133.
Same landlord has had a fine served on him for serving ale behind closed doors in another of his pubs the Staffordshire Arms on Sorby Street Sheffield. What an absolute idiot. Coronavirus: Pub customers hid in cupboards during raid
Total nobsack. Dont know whether he fancied a change of career or not but he's got one now because he's finished in the pub trade. His license will be revoked.
Should be a prison sentence for the landlord imo and a £1000 fine and public naming for each proven customer
You have to laugh about this bit ... John O’Malley, Liquor Licensing Manager at South Yorkshire Police, said: “On Friday night, officers attended the premises and found a number of people hiding in cupboards, the pub was clearly still open for business. reminds me of whisky galore.
Been reading that the professor of Europen studies Tim Martin is opening-up Wetherspoon pubs in June, (but can he tice back his underpaid workers after telling them to go get jobs at Tesco). One other thing I wonder if Marhk of Pitsmoor (dedar radio fame) was hiddying in a cupboard in the Pitsmoor hotel.
he’s not opening in June unless the government allow him. What he’s actually doing this week is garnering free advertising for his pubs as they are splashed all over the news.
Two pubs in Swinton, one WMC in West Melton were among 7 in Rotherham shut last week. Apologies for the paywall
I walked past the other day and they have a planning permission notice up for extensive renovations, definitely not bust
tim matin int thick,he knows how serious this lockdown is and what effect it is having not only now but also in the future,he's well aware that a large chunk of his customer base are now drinking at home ,where they'll have discovered it is a much cheaper pastime than supping in a pub,this scenario could well have a huge negative effect on his business and talk about june reopenings is nothing more than a nudge to tell customers he's still here and that he hopes to claw some of them back.,i'll bet deep down he's a worried man.