I heard (or saw) someone saying that if you drive two hours to do a 4 hour run then on your way home you got stuck in traffic you'd have to get out of your car and do a run for 10 minutes before you pull into your driveway
So in theory (not that I'm going to) I could drive to seaside blackpool or brid walk around for longer than the drive takes and that's fine...
If only the country didn’t have more than its share of people with no common sense. The whole point is to minimise the risk of infection and strain on the health service so stay local and excercise where it’s quiet. If you have to walk along a lot of narrow pavements to get to an open space a short drive is more sensible. Why that means you then think you can drive for 100 miles to excercise is beyond me
I don't think anyone in this thread thinks that in reality (i know I don't) but there are certainly enough idiots in this country who do. Its like the trump voter on the bbc website today who criticised trump by saying he (the voter) isn't stupid enough to think that injecting yourself with detergent is a good idea, that trump himself wouldn't do it, that most people know it's stupid. But in a country of 300m people some are going to be stupid enough to try it so the president should never have said it. Very rare to hear a trump voter criticise him.
The guidelines are that a drive must be much shorter than your excercise which is perfectly sensible. The fact that someone may decide a 3 hour drive each way for a 10 hour walk is just people being dumb. It’s guidance not a bullet proof law
Just think its abit silly you dont need to drive to excersize everyone seems to have taken up running or got the bike out of the shed but just have a good walk get out of the house. We have been blessed that the weather has been good so many have been sat in gardens soaking up the warm weather.
Ben Williams has cycled from Preston to Blackpool, Jack Walton cycling a fair few hours too according to my daughter.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...inese-scientists-predict.html#article-8265975 If that proves to be true the world will forever be a nightmare without a working vaccine.
Since Guide Dogs told us we could walk Lydia along the route we used to do every morning to take her into guide dog school, it's been really stressful trying to avoid people. It doesn't help that we can't go onto the road with her, or cross anywhere that isn't a lowered kerb/corner but it's only a 20min walk to the school and back and we always have at least 3 people that pass us close enough to touch each time. We ended up driving the 2 mile to the huge field on Sunday where we used to take her to free run and it was fantastic, no-one anywhere near us at all and she could run off the lead rather that having to work the entire time throughout her exercise and wear the gentle leader which she absolutely hates. We've decided we're going to take her there once on a weekend and once midweek, it definitely feels a lot safer and it's not a long drive.
https://news.sky.com/story/coronavi...nfections-grows-after-lockdown-eased-11980194 Worrying for Germany with the rate increasing again so soon after an easing of lockdown when they have been one of the best countries with dealing with Covid. Rumours they might have to tighten lockdown again already.
No point doing it, then saying we cant be arsed and hundreds of thousands dying. Unfortunately patience is required, I know its difficult but we need to stick with it while infections are still high.
It will get extended again I'm sure but we need to start thinking about how to exit for the economy and peoples jobs and businesses.The furlough money from the government and the non repayable Grant's will eventually have to be re couped.