The lockdown has been a joke. Should have been a real, full lockdown for 4 weeks, followed by quarantine of anyone coming into the country. Wuhan have lifted their lockdown and their restrictions are still far more strict that what we are doing while in a supposed lockdown.
This. And let’s look at lockdown to date. British Airways .... 12000 laid off Airbus is losing money left right and centre Virgin Atlantic rocking Numerous EU airways petitioning theEU to change the refunds to a voucher as they can’t afford to pay the cash. How many staff do you think Tui, jet2, Hays will retain come the end of June? Those three between then that’s c10000 employees. Although some on here will get a little chubby on over Tim Martins businesses struggling... ‘Spoons Plc employs directly over 40000 staff. Come the end of June if nothing changes how many will be retained? Costa... another 40k, how many will be employed come July? That’s not even looking at the supply chain.
It’s alright though because schools will be opening to more kids soon. I could cry, I really could! Deaths still over 700 a day(!) and talking about opening back up by June 1st.
Schools should be the last thing to open up. Kids cannot be trusted to obey social distancing rules, so why risk it? Absolutely shocking.
May I ask, do you live in a one bedroom flat, on your own, with no garden or balcony? How would you survive without getting out to go to the shops or do exercise?
Without kids going back to school I cant go back to work so catch 22. Building sites are open and I can guarantee everyone will not be keeping 2 meter apart.
If you are under 50 and generally fit and healthy.... somewhere around 99.5% And the public sector isn’t safe. If the private sector tanks, there isn’t the money to pay unless those in work are taxed to the hilt... So non essential roles will be under consultation.. librarians in a library no one can visit..
How much will suicides increase and mental health issues if we stay locked down until june/july with mass unemployment big firms bust left right and center.
I don’t have a problem with people exercising or going to the shop, that’s not what I mean by proper lockdown. I do think there should have been a system put in place, however, whereby people have a permit for being outside. All none essential businesses should have been closed, there should have been real guidelines on supermarkets for how many people allowed in at once etc. Rather than leaving it up to the individual supermarkets to decide.
I think exercise outdoors is far safer in terms of exposure than shopping. Some people seem to be either oblivious or unconcerned about social distancing in the supermarkets; squeezing past, reversing direction, reaching across you, picking stuff up and putting it back and one bloke coughing all the way around the aisles.
Nobody knows the answer to that. But we do know the answer to the number of people who have died whilst under lockdown - so to end it would be utter madness and see an increase to that 'statistic'.
I dont think end it next week but we have to start thinking about a exit for the economy next week will be week 6 of lockdown.
Trumpy boy has got it sussed and all worked out. If the governors relax restrictions too early and people die then it's their fault. If they leave the restrictions on longer and people lose their jobs it's their fault. He's taken all responsibility off himself.
What I don’t understand is we are getting more deaths from Covid in lockdown than we did before the lockdown not sure if that’s due to the incubation period or not
I hear you and fully appreciate how difficult this is for many people. Other countries have had considerably more stringent lockdown rules than us though. The kids in Spain were finally allowed out of their homes after 40 days indoors a couple of days ago. Have you received the NHS at 'severe risk' letter? My wife has and hasn't been out of the house in 6 weeks (I am being forced to go to work though which pretty much negates this).
OK, yes I agree with that. I guess it would have to be based on floor space. The reason the permit thing wouldn't work well over here is we are not required to hold ID cards, as many countries like Italy do. It would make the whole thing unenforcible. It's easier if the rozzers pull you up in your car, as they have your plate and can look up where you're from with the DVLA. It could have been done that you needed to register for a permit to travel say 20 miles from home, say either if you had to for work, vital business or if you are in a rural area to shop or visit a chemist / doctor.
I haven't, but I do get a free flu jab & have done for the last 10 years, so thought I might. I had a hole in the heart operation as a kid & have suffered severe bronchitis for much of my life, although not in recent years. I'm sorry to hear that about your wife, your employer should be paying you to stay at home for 12 weeks.