Back to work monday still don't know if i've had Covid 19. No test planned yet. Manning reception bright and early after travelling on two buses and two trains. Meeting nftf with occy health on monday afternoon. You couldn't make it up. Bad for the Tory party when they can't even rely on the Daily Mail to be kind with their biased journalism. Top website headline story.
This reminds me of something my sister told me about when she lived in Zambia in the early ‘70’s. She was watching TV and the announcer said that the next programme would start at 11.30. There was a clock displayed on the screen showing the time as 11.20. A few seconds later, a finger appeared and moved the little hand down to half-past. Right on cue the next programme started. So the announcer was right. So is Handjob I guess.
both the wife & i keyworkers, she works with the elderly too, i felt crap for nearly 2 weeks in march, she showed no signs, but both had 2 weeks off i don't think i've had it but i could have, but can we both get tested now? not unless we show symptoms! this gov are just a bunch of jokers throwing figures around for the spin of looking good, that pillock going on about the "r" is talking out of his arse, estimated 0.6 to 0.9? a 0.3 margin on that scale is pretty feckin big, it could also be 0.8 to 1.1 on using those stats
So, it’s ok if you have 2020 vision like many appear to have on here, and to criticise anything that this particular prime minister and government does- Looking at may of the comments it amazes me that we don’t have a town full of elected politicians running the country, being top advisors as some seem to have ALL the answers. Posted this following the sarcastic happy 100k tests day thread yesterday that many seemed to gloat on, but same ones now challenge numbers or say it’s wrong. If this party who are in power said that coal is black, I have identified posters who would say it’s isn’t, because - it’s their right. 1 death from this terrible virus is 1 too many. Everybody needs to get behind the Experts who are advising the government and we will all be safer when people listen, stay home and stop this spreading more than it needs to
If you could get a test now in May how would that help you with the fact you may have had it in March?
So they knew they were going to miss the target ,initially given away by ministers keeping saying "capacity" when the pledge was 100000 PEOPLE tested per day, so they come up with a scam ( no other word for it) to make it look like they had succeeded. They simply changed the way the tests were counted from actual completed lab tests to ones that were in the post ?pending '....i.e. not done yet. They then openly lie about this to the general public hoping that nobody remembers what was initially said and just take their word for it, Don't forget that countries like Germany have been hitting these figures for weeks so its hardly an achievement (but better than nothing). And we are supposed to be satisfied with this and just accept it?
because if i've already had it may deem us safer according to scientists and my wife caring for the elderly & vulnerable including those who currently have the virus then we would sure like to know! and seeing as you used the word fact, the fact is i may have had the virus, and another fact is i may not have had the virus the actual fact is i don't know if either of us have had the virus and still mingling about working with the public, that's a fact!
We have a friend who works at Addenbrookes on the Covid ward and when she and her colleagues and finished their stint of shifts they had a test to see if they had it and also a test to see if they had had it. Apparently the Had It test was developed there. This seems to be the test the government says isn't accurate/don't have. Make of that what you will but with this lots reputation for untruths.........