The Sun reporting tonight businesses will be opening again May 26th. This morning they were saying places could be shut for months until under 1000 infections a day happens.
So unless you're an active MP you can't have a voice/opinion? I don't swear much, but that argument can f**k right off. Thats get that one clear. Counting tests that haven’t even been carried out. **** me some people are gullible.
And there it is. But, but Corbyn. I’m afraid the five years of scaremongering about dear old Jezza are over. No need to scrape barrels anymore trying to justify hatred for the bloke or reasons not to vote for him. How is the anti-semitism scandal recently? That looks to have gone quiet.., Yep. No need for any of that. Because there’s an actual party in power. And we don’t need to worry about what ifs and buts. We can just worry. And judge them by their actions. “That man just took a big **** on your doorstep.” “What if someone else had **** inside my house, on my carpets for example?” “You’re ok then, with the doorstep thing?” “What doorstep thing?”
You seem to forget. Boris. Was sacked on more than one occasion, for guess what, Never been a Blairite. But prefer anyone to this shower of *****, Weapons of mass destruction were never found. I trusted the statement they did exist at the time. Would have him up for war crimes now knowing there was really no evidence being suggested by other authorities at the time. Will I trust anything Donald trump says about the Chinese cover up. No, even if it is true. Why. Because irrespective, I believe there will be blame where non exists. To cover up his massive mismanagement of the crisis. Corbyn. Lies about HIM were a common theme. Proved innacurate to say the least or complete utter ********. You pretend to post things that are non political. Let's just say Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Of which I might add we are all capable of. But most don't try to hide it.
Managing to finally get mass testing going and to publish those results - that’d be a good news story. creating an arbitrary target and then misleading the public that you’ve hit that target (lying?) - that just creates mistrust. ive no idea how stupid you have to be to swallow the lies, when even the Tory press refused to toe the line. Also - it’s still unhelpful for both sides to turn this into a slanging match along party lines. let’s discuss what actually happened here; a stupid minister created a target (100,000 people tested), found he had no way of meeting it, so reported a completely different number (including tests sent out in the post) we’re being taken for idiots by our government - and that is very worrying. I don’t give a fc uk whether that’s by a Tory or not.
But but but Labour. But but but Corbyn something something. As I've said many times before, I have never seen a Tory Supporter on any form of social media criticise what is current happening. It's bizarre. Many Labour supporters are clever and self aware enough to admit that their party has made mistakes. It's human nature to do this. But Tories? They just won't do it.
a new genre of “Boflakes” it’s like a cult, they can’t seem to admit that sometimes their leader and the Tory party get things wrong. Its bizarre actually because we can probably assume the ones who post on here aren’t stupid.
‘Boflakes’ love it. You’re right though, there is this excuse for anything and can do no wrong despite the amount of ****** being dropped. The closest they come to admitting they’re is the ‘They’re all the same’mantra
Let’s try religion then You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. so unless everyone thinks like you, and some others on here, they can’t have an opinion without being sworn at ? Called a lovely person ? Told to f off Point was, if you or others have all the answers, stand to be elected to parliament, then see how many will vote for you. We live in a democracy and this government was voted in by the people of the UK, flaws in voting system or not, that’s the result. the purpose of opposition parties is to put forward alternative views and ideas, rather than swear and just say, that is wrong. The lack of clear workable ideas is the reason no other party beat conservatives this time. If Lawyer Barrister Mr Starmer has a real plan then who’s knows next time ?
Any comment on what the Tories have done wrong? The rest of your argument has more holes than Swiss Cheese too. So unless we're standing for election we can't criticise? Ok then. Next time Mads Anderson drops a bollock, then we aren't allowed to criticise - after all, we aren't professional footballers are we? If Ed Sheeran releases a ***** tune? Can't say owt mate - you've never released an album. What about if Brad Pitt stars in a dog of a film? Best not have a go - you've never appeared in a Hollywood Blockbuster.
There’s much more to than that, and if you can’t see that, then continue to wear your tin hat when posting the trash you do. Example of more to it than that is, The vast majority of this Country’s popular press and media outlets are all Tory loving/ backing and go to great lengths to discredit any opposition. Almost forgot, You Boflake