So they never said anything about posted tests or duplicates ? So how did you know ? And uncover this lie ? Are you worlds finest investigative journalist? Or was it made clear what number included ?
73,000! It’s in the chuffing daily heil! are they going to count the same 40,000 postal tests again today
Perhaps BFC should adopt the Conservative approach to numbers and post out 20000 season ticket renewal forms and then claim that they have made a massive increase, when in actual fact we all know the figure for take up will be much lower! As the saying goes, there are lies, damn lies and statistics!
You see the bit where she says they still have more profits than they can spend? Care to explain how you get from there to your claim she wants them to hand over ALL their profits?
The original 100,000 target was ‘people tested in a day’, so if they’ve tested 50,000 people and put 70,000 testing kits in envelopes, then stated they hit the target, that’s a lie. not at all complex, and if a Tory government can’t even get the Mail to tie the line we know something is seriously wrong.
Thing is Mario, you wouldn't have made a post like the OP. I've been reading your posts for 20 years, and while I may have disagreed with a lot of them when they're on a political subject, I've never read any gloating, factually incorrect, self-serving garbage from you. I've just disagreed. We both know that once in those twenty years I had a real go at you. But we both also know that I apologised unreservedly for that, an apology I stand by, the original post I don't. I am totally with you that you shouldn't say anything to anyone online that you wouldn't say to someone's face. It's a rule I live by. The day I was abusive to you, my friend had died and I'd drunk a bottle of whiskey. I absolutely would have said to you in person what I said to you on here. I would have got a well deserved kicking, but I wasn't breaking my own moral road map. I'm ruled by my emotions and they were very heightened that day. The other 7,299 days I would have listened to you and either gone for a beer, if I didn't fancy the debate, or put forward a counter argument if I did. On any single one of the 7,300 days in the last 20 years, if you'd made a point like the OP in the pub (which I know you wouldn't), I would have called you a fc*king ars*hole, because he's being a fc*king ars*hole. No matter how much I'd had to drink: zero or plenty. Never saying anything online that you wouldn't say face to face works both ways. Yes, it means you don't sling a load of abuse at someone if you're not prepared to do that face to face. But it also means you don't make opening statements that are factually incorrect; without credit, merit or intelligence; without knowledge or research; that are boastful, self-congratulatory, point scoring, incendiary and utterly pointless. Anyone who does so is a total cn*t. And I'll call them a total cn*t whether it's on here or in the pub.
Or I could help society in other ways. Money sitting in offshore accounts does nothing. I never mentioned handing it all over did I? At the end of the day we have the resources and the knowledge to all live well on this earth Unfortunately we have this fake economy of boom and bust, but tbh there's been a bit too much bust to my liking.
I don’t mind what you call me, but neither of those 2 names reciprocate the reason I call you Boflake. Clue, I can see, and more importantly, admit to their mistakes and shortcomings.
What? They no longer sell anything here because they have to pay 20% tax on their profits? They give up because they don't want that £800,000,000, they want the full £billion. What's the point of making £800,000,000 when we could just walk away. Come on let's leave, who wants £800,000,000. You fc*king idiot.