That Johnson has revealed today, as the number of deaths tops 28,000, the details of how close he came to death and the contingency plans put in place in case he succumbed........ I thought he’d have waited until the death toll reached 30,000 for that.
Think there's a contingency plan when any PM is in power, even if they are fit and well...……………....none story really
Yet the numpty still hasn't appointed a deputy pm. I am struggling to think of a worse leader than this excuse of a man.
Because it means nothing. If Boris died or was incapacitated then his appointed deputy wouldn't gain any power at all, that's not how British government works. If Boris died the queen essentially takes over until the conservative party elects a new leader. It's nothing but an honourary title really just to say 'this person is my second in command' but it has no greater power than the pm telling everyone that he or she has selected a cabinet member as most senior which is why Gordon brown didn't have one, Cameron didn't have one when he wasn't in a coalition with the lib Dems, may didn't have one, Boris doesn't, heath and Wilson didn't etc. In fact we haven't had one for around a 3rd of the time since the job was created. He has already selected a de facto deputy anyway by asking raab to lead the cabinet.
There isn’t a universal feeling that he’s brilliant. He needs that. So he’s garnering sympathy. I do sympathise that he was so ill. I still have a cousin in hospital with the thing. (though improving). But his “leadership” in part at least led to it. Like I’ve said elsewhere, Germany has 125% of the UK population yet only 25% of our number of Covid-19 deaths. And their federal government has admitted it may have got bits wrong. He’s never admitted wrongdoing in his life.
Germany are recording C19 deaths differently to the UK. That's not to say that they have performed better or worse than us but comparing recorded deaths isn't comparing like for like.
I know that posting on here about him won't affect him in the slightest but I cannot bear the fact that he is shameless. He's a great pile of 5hit with sugar on top. All this crap about his newborn, are the others he fathered worth nothing?
I’m not one to stick up for Boris Johnson but it isn’t in our constitution to have a Deputy so it’s completely pointless at this point to do so. If anything happened to Johnson or any PM for that matter, even if we had a deputy it would have to go to the vote of the Tory membership again like when Johnson got in prior to the GE.
Our Prime-Minister is some kind of freak, he goes on T.V. bragging that he has been to a hospital that is treating people with Covid-19 and shaken hands with everyone he talked to if that is not self-inflicting the virus and passing it on to others then what else can it be, there again he could be taking one for the team. Then the day after he comes on T.V, telling everyone to self-isolate to help our NHS.
Is it not on reflection, an obvious missing element of UK Government? Never mind who is in power. Schools have a deputy head, ours stood in when the head was ill with Covid19.
I'm not entirely sure, I've seen more than one interpretation but it was discussed on LBC and there were contributions from the medical community in Germany which seemed credible. Apparently when a patient dies with underlying health conditions there are some cases, depending on certain factors, where the cause of death is recorded as the other condition rather than C19. I don't know for certain but it does appear to be really difficult to accurately compare countries on a precise like-for-like basis when there isn't a global template for recording statistics.
Apparently it was 50-50 wether they put a tube down his throat . You can just imagine the conversation the Doctors had ‘ he’s got more chance of surviving if we intubate him , what do you think ‘ ..... ‘nah ‘
It's a title rather than a position. Had Cameron died in office he would have been replaced as PM by a leadership contest within the Conservative party. Clegg would not have had the power of PM that Cameron had transferred to him.