The game has developed into a disgrace over a number of years. Clubs in millions of debt to cheat their way to promotion to the riches of the premier league... Footballers thinking they’re gods, living like kings, ignoring rules of the country, for example ignoring social distancing, drink driving, etc. Players costing more than it costs to build and staff a hospital... hopefully after this, we’ll gain a bit of perspective. But I’m not sure we will.
Like you i'm hoping many things change both in football and many other areas after all this. After what has gone on in the world over the last five years i have no doubt that any such hope is unfounded.
Some great points there. The government wouldn't dare say all BAME people have to stay isolated for x amount of months even though figures show they are very high risk in being in a huge percentage of the deaths. Yet they are allowed to discriminate against older people.
Football is just a reflection of the economy in general, it's just higher profile and easier to see through the bullsh1t. People can't be against footballing economics and turn a blind eye to everything else. It's a bit like demanding the government fix your polluted water supply whilst ignoring the fact everyone's water is polluted too. Brief example...US companies received massive tax breaks from Trump a few years ago. What did they do with this excess money? (yes, seriously, it was classed as excess with over 80 percent of household stock ownership controlled by the wealthiest 10 percent of American households) Well they bought back their own shares to the tune of $2 trillion over the last 3 years. This reduced the supply of shares, pushed the price higher and enabled higher returns to shareholders. The companies look great but aren't actually with anymore. Its just a sham. Meanwhile your average Joe is struggling to survive. 0.4 deaths per million population and WHO want to waste a vaccine trial in Nigeria.
There’s no ‘waste’ of a vaccine trial - vaccines need trialling for the good of the human race - why have you got a problem with this?
This is a forum that is used by a very large majority of posters who live in, Around, originate, or have close links to the town of Barnsley and it’s surrounding communities. These places have been battered, and almost put to their knees by consecutive Tory Vindictive policies. You talk about Tribalism, well Tribalism doesn’t necessarily mean there’s more of one than the other, Posters like you who constantly defend them on here (no matter whether you believe that you are being rational or not) know full well the hatred of the Tories (me included) and yet always seem to think you’re being picked on. There are a number of Tory supporting posters on here who post things knowing full well that subject will cut to the bone with a lot on here and that’s why they do it. You will get bombarded with opposing views simply because the vast majority don’t share your views. Don’t you see that people will view your posts as personal because of your constant Defense of the Tories on this particular forum, whereby they’ve done so much damage. Political Forum’s are a different kettle of fish and so more fool you if you think the same applies to this forum. I don’t believe anything is tolerated more than the other it’s just the numbers of opinions are weighted that way.
I don't think that you could have interpreted what I said more incorrectly if you tried unless of course I have misunderstood the point of your post. A few points... I said that I completely understood the hostility towards the Tory party on here. I completely understand the reasons. I have never said that I feel picked on, quite the opposite. All I said was that tribalism isn't helpful to the current circumstances. I don't care if anyone disagrees with me but I prefer the courtesy of a reasonable, objective response rather than being called a ****. I don't constantly defend them, equally I don't blindly denigrate the Labour party either and if I have a point of view that I think is worthy of contributing then I join in - I was very critical of them under Corbyn but I have a very open mind and look forwards to seeing their direction of travel under Starmer. It does feel that any point of view that isn't in total support of the Labour party is automatically judged as Tory support, even if it isn't. I have a feeling that this may change for the better in the coming years. I completely accept that numbers on here can distort the balance and again I said that I completely accept that too. Finally I don't think it makes anyone a Tory sympathiser to call out personal abuse or threats of violence. Surely the majority of posters agree on this point regardless of their political preferences.
Very well put. I am going to have to bite my lip because for me it's not the Conservative party but the guy at the top and his bolus of w*nkers. It's like a red tag to a bull for me whenever Johnson is mentioned. He needs to start doing something or ship out. His record so far as PM is abysmal. There, I've done it again.
I’m not calling calling you a Tory sympathiser simply because of you calling out the Personal abuse/threats etc, I was averting to some people are doing this because of your Pro Tory posts on this forum, your likes to other posts.
I understand that but to give context I sometimes give likes even if there is just one element of a particular post that I agree with. I definitely have a different world view to a lot of posters on here but there is nothing wrong with that; I would argue that political differences, even on a forum dedicated to Barnsley FC, is a necessary and intrinsic requirement of a healthy, functioning democracy. Like I said previously it doesn't make me right and it doesn't make you wrong, it is just a personal point of view, something that we all have politically. With the exception of one person I don't have an issue with anybody on here regardless of how much I disagree with them. I define people by who they are and how they treat me and others, not by their choice of politics. I genuinely believe there are a lot of decent people who post on here. I won't deny that my politics have moved towards the centre-right as I have got older but I am a very long way from being a dyed-in-the-wool Tory; I don't have a blind loyalty to any party and if the next Labour Party manifesto has policies that I agree with I would not think twice about voting for them.
I haven't we need seven billion doses so everyone is treated the same. What I was saying was Nigeria has such a low death rate that if you want to see if the vaccine works it's probably better in countries more affected by it. It looks like the Oxford vaccine could be an annual one, which won't bother anyone as everyone would just be glad to hopefully go back to normal life.
i can see your point of view but in fairness to MK he expresses his beliefs in a reasonable way and doesn’t come across as some rigid anti socialist Thatcherite just a decent bloke who I don’t ( often) agree with.
For what it's worth (or maybe it's not worth) after reading this thread I think the OP has been treated abominably. Regardless of his politics he should not be called a 'c.........' and worse by people on here who are purportedly arguing a case against his point of view. If he's a 'c.......' then what say you about yourself if you've used that language yourself to denigrate him? He is inaccurate I think based on what I've read. Either that or he's misguided and he may very well have a pro-Tory agenda. If so, then he should be counter-argued in a measured way if his politics are to one's distaste (if I don't sound patronising). That being as it may he is just as entitled as everyone else to post views without being subjected to disgraceful vitriolic attack. I've made errors on here myself and apologised on more than one occasion to people who I haven't even met because my language was inappropriate. That in itself is another issue - many of us on here have never met or seen/empathised with one anothers' personal situations yet some are only too happy to resort to abuse at the drop of a hat. This forum when all said and done is a community and thus the OP is a member of the community. Treat him as such
Perhaps the reason why press support is that their non-dom, non-tax paying owners are happy with a free market economy. Perhaps you could look at Vietnam for a Socialist country instead of a dictatorship like North Korea - one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and with a grand total of 271 cases of COVID and 0 deaths from a population of 96 million people with a density higher than the UK.