i keep getting a pop up for "take a talktalk survey" coming up on one certain page and the only way i can get rid of it is to exit the page ( no its not gentlemens lockdown entertainment), i've managed to find out an e-mail addy eu.retailsalesassociate.zyx i've reversed the last 3 letters just in case but the should be in alphabetical order, its shredding my last lockdown addled nerve, how on gods green earth do i get rid of it ?????
It could be that webpage itself that has been hacked rather than it being your computer. I have a similar problem with a certain website and it does it on my phone, tablet and a computer at work too but oddly not on another identical computer
Open chrome, install adblock plus https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus-free-ad-bloc/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb Never see an advert again.
cheers peeps the chrome/google thing seems to have done it ( yeah, yeah, kiss of death that statement) now all i've got to do is figure out how to upgrade kodi on my andriod box. . . . me and technology dont usually see eye to eye hehe