Daughter told by 911 she may have symptoms and we all have to now self-isolate. Me and Wife are Key workers and are now at home self-isolating. Tried to book us all a ‘drive through’ test and the 4 local places that come up are Donny Airport, Leeds, Bradford and Etihad Stadium. There are no slots for the Yorkshire ones mentioned within the next 7 days at least (you’re meant to get tested within 3 days if you have symptoms). There are/were no home kits allocations available. Been since advised by a work colleague to try first thing tomorrow and I might get a slot in Barnsley (never got that option on the website) Just wondered if anyone had same had any similar issues.
Not sure if you’ve seen this: https://www.doncasterfreepress.co.u...-wait-hours-be-told-do-their-own-test-2550373 Hopefully it has improved since.
Yes, I failed on the three-point turn. Seriously, keep trying. There are plenty others relaying the same story.
X 19 only goes to Doncaster now bus to Finningley takes 20 minutes from Frenchgate centre A57 from stand A3. With waiting time would take 4 hours from Barnsley. Football ground car park a more suitable location for Barnsley people.
The testing tent at the missis hospital blew away in the wind and they were all cancelled. True story.
Update, got tests booked for 4 of us At Rotherham’s football ground car park tomorrow between 12:30 and 1 pm