Lots of red flags in this. I'd suggest it's mainly ********, anti-vaxer trying to sell a book. I'm intrigued about this idea of aerosol mouse cancers you can catch. Added: Looks like she's (Mikovits) a bit of a nutter, faked results, sacked from labs, retracted papers etc. https://www.nature.com/articles/471282a
it's nigh on impossible for the layman to try and know who to believe. especially when there are such extreme opposites. it does sound mad what she's suggesting when you listen...but then again, if she is actually telling the truth, I would definitely expect the people she was accusing, to take every measure to silence and discredit her
True, but personality clashes aside, when no-one else can replicate the results (replicating other people's work is one of the first steps of a research project, for example a PhD) and the Nature paper highlights two independent, well-regarded groups unable to replicate her results, you start to doubt the data. I read elsewhere the thing she detected (mouse DNA(?)) was a contaminant from another piece of work the result of poor cleaning protocols. She has also published the same data on at least two occasions with changed labels supposedly showing two different phenomenon. Essentially making stuff up is unethical science and makes everyone else distrust scientists.
Always thought the same. And then I keep reading we'll have a vaccine for Covid-19 by September. If you are under 45 years old, or between 45 and 65 in good health and not overweight, and you allow someone to inject something into your body in September this year, that is claimed to immunise you against the effects of the coronavirus, outside of a clinical trial where you are monitored and cared for, then you are fk*cing stupid. You may as well follow Donald Trump's advice. You will, for no discernible benefit, be compromising your health and your life.
Just to clarify, you're not suggesting that you can catch mouse cancer from the MMR jab are you? That's the mentalist anti-vaxer that worries me. Someone who doesn't want pharmaceuticals injecting into their body before they have been shown to be both safe and efficacious, unless they are going to die regardless without any intervention, is simply doing the sensible thing.
And just to clarify: If you deny your child any vaccine that is proven safe, after years and years of testing, you are fk*cing stupid. I'd even go so far as to say criminally negligent for the damage you can cause to the rest of society. And I believe you should be charged and tried. As far as mouse cancer goes, can that get you high? I'm struggling sourcing drugs under the current conditions.
Thanks mate really interesting read. I always knew that Adam Hinchcliff was ahead of the curve #hatmasks no doubt his business will be booming. Can genuinely see a market developing in branded face coverings - football teams etc!