I don't think relaxing lockdown should come at an unnecessary sacrifice though, whether you value your privacy or not. If other countries can do it without gleaning all our information then we can too. Based on what I've read I've changed my mind and won't be downloading it. Happy to stay in lockdown for as long as it takes, personally.
You must have a fair my interesting life tham me to really care that much about the government knowing where I've been! I'd shout it from the roof tops if I could go anyway other than the confines of my house and garden in York
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- That's not the point though. It's not about the government knowing where i've been, I really don't care about that, it's the fact that it's doing so completely unnecessarily. The government rejected the Google/Apple app BECAUSE it doesn't store location data. That's not something that is acceptable.
That's not the point though. I'd say being willing to totally give up your privacy for a state is quite worrying really. You can leave your house for exercise and go shopping anyway, you're not in prison Without going all Ed Snowden I've worked in some sensitive jobs before, having had a high level of security clearance, and I would not want my data collected like that.
You're not completely giving up your privacy though. Most people will give more away on Facebook or twitter in 5 minutes
But we give far more data away freely to Google. I'm not saying it's perfect but track and trace is the only sensible way out of this. I appreciate the point about the app but you're making an assumption that enough people will rebel against it and that the government will change course and delaying the ability to respond. What exactly are you telling the government that *most* peopke aren't already unwittingly telling Google anyway
As is your choice to download the app. But unless 60% are using it more peopke will die and lockdown will be here on and off for the foreseeable future - with no one having any free will. And for those furloughed with no source of income once government stops paying their wages
No they don’t all you put is the first part of the post code it issues with a random no. If you get symptoms you upload all the numbers they send you a text message to get tested. None of the user information is stored. I think you will find that the government have worked with Apple and google.
As it stands, if your phone locks then the app will stop working within about 5 minutes. Your phone has to be both unlocked, and the application active for it to work.
When you click the button, it sends all your location data for the last 28 days to the government servers. This includes details of everyone you have interacted with or been near to in that time. This data is stored on government servers *forever* and there is no right of deletion. They will arrange to send you a test, which requires your full address. There is also the problem of malicious usage. Get a burner phone, leave it outside a rival companies buldings for a few days then collect it and click "I've got it" and before you know it that rival company is shut down. How long before someone does that with the local police station or a school...
The point is though its a flawed app. You have to ask yourself why the government did it this way when almost no one else did - and used people who have a less than stellar track record with handling data to develop it. There is a perfectly good way of doing the app in a decentralised way - what is wrong with demanding that we do it that way as well, in the same way we are demanding (with not great success so far) we have a TEST track and trace system in place- still not convinced that this app will make the testing much more widespread. It will just be used to quarantine loads of people needlessly because with no testing everyone with a cold cough normal flu etc will trigger a lockdown of their contacts for 14 days -its perfectly reasonable to demand the government does the right thing rather than just accept that they have our best interests at heart - because I am really not convinced they do.
People will not die if you do not use the app. People will not die if you use the app. But, a properly written app will allow us out of lockdown quicker - although there are also question marks about whether using an app like this will allow us access to countries that are using the other model when restrictions finally lift.
Have you got a source for that - I thought it was designed to run in the background so yes you would need to start the app but once started it should keek going whether or not the phone was locked - its a bit useless otherwise and its really not hard to implement it like that
A few weeks ago i received a text from UK_GOV pushed to me by the phone network. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if I had no option but to install this - whether I knew about it or not. Or am I overly cynical?
https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/05/05/uk_coronavirus_app/ "Despite what the NCSC has continued to imply, the app will not, as it stands, work all the time on iOS nor Android since version 8. The operating systems won't allow the tracing application to broadcast its ID via Bluetooth to surrounding devices when it's running in the background and not in active use. Apple's iOS forbids it, and newer Google Android versions limit it to a few minutes after the app falls into the background. That means that unless people have the NHS app running in the foreground and their phones awake most of the time, the fundamental principle underpinning the entire system – that phones detect each other – won't work."
No you don't. You could try towing the line; just for a bit, to see off this life ruining virus and then uninstall the bloody thing. Not everything is a conspiracy ffs! No wait, all together now... The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- They rejected the app created by Apple and Google because it didn’t give location data. That app would have worked in the background, looking for nearby devices. The one we’ve ended up with uses location data stored on government servers.
Not quite true - from the article I posted a link to earlier and paraphrasing for brevity - it will decide based on current health policy what should happen. So it could be to get tested or it could be to isolate for 7 days - I know which I think is most likely
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve done my research. It’s not a conspiracy theory. The app is badly designed, violates privacy unnecessarily and doesn’t work properly. Again. The government rejected an app that would have worked a lot better, because it didn’t store location data.