I'll download it and use it. I don't give a toss who knows where I am. I'll do ANYTHING at all if it will help protect people from this disease. The privacy implications don't even register on my scale.
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It won't protect anyone though. It's a badly designed app that doesn't do the job it's designed for.
Step back a bit, you said you wouldn't download the app for privacy reasons. Some of these other points are valid about how it is then applied but are additional points that are resolvable. An app based system is vital for contact tracing because COVID_19 moves too quickly for in person interviews to work on their own. Contact tracing is vital at reducing the Reproduction rate below 1 if we are to lift permenant lockdown (see link below). My key point is that a large number of very reasonable people on this thread are saying they won't download the app - which won't work unless large numbers do download it - based on the fact it uses a fairly inconsequential piece of data about you. Surely the issue needs to be considered calmy and proportionately? https://ncase.me/covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0tincdkOb_qFNCtu0VXFsKkMuyeOZ8yeMd_V-3KwpoZlF2dgLNCmJc5bk
But that's your opinion. And let's so it didn't ultimately work, it certainly won't if people don't follow the guidance and download it. In the same way I guess some people ignored lockdown because they didnt think it would work or was a proportionate response.
Not read the thread yet as been busy, but there's more chance of me growing a fringe than using this app.
Thought process... 1. I first hear read the proposal of such apps a few weeks ago. I'm sceptical about how they will work, I'm worried they'll be used instead of testing rather than to compliment it, I have questions about the technology used and intrusions into privacy. 2. I read the excellent article posted by Plankton Pete. All my fears are allayed, the technology and the whole system seems fantastic. I'll download the app as soon as it's available. 3. I read about the app we're getting and it bears no resemblance to what I read about in the article in point 2 and I'm back to point 1.
I agree and that there are operational issues to ensure it works effectively, and absolutely has to be coupled with testing, but IMO the level of privacy that would be sacrificed - and regardless of whether it should be in a different form - is worth it to end lockdown and reduce the R rate.
I've no idea whether it will work or not. My point is that for me there are no privacy implications whatsoever.
I wouldn’t download it. I have every privacy setting up full, I go into the cookie settings of every single website and turn them off, I have all location settings off on everything I use, I don’t use facial recognition or fingerprint scanning, I won’t get an Echo or similar, I have the webcam on my laptop taped over etc. etc. I would go against all that and download the other app mentioned and hope that people are right about it being safe but there’s not a chance in this world I will download a Cambridge Analytica app. Not. A. Chance. Also, I basically never take my phone out with me anyway.
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to point out. I won't be downloading the app, but I also haven't left the house in 6 weeks and have no plans to do so any time soon, so I won't need it anyway.
I've read it now. I won't be downloading said app. And as BarnsleyReds says, I have abided by the lockdown rules in place, so wouldn't need it anyway. Other than my daily exercise which is taking my dog for a walk, I've barely left the house and share it with my partner who works in a hospital that is fighting the virus. Absolutely no reason for me to be giving this government of proven liars and schemers (or any government), access to private information. This is 2020, not 1984. This government - coming as no shock whatsoever sadly - have handled this entire pandemic appallingly. I have nothing to hide, but that is not even close to being 'a' point or 'the' point. Very dangerous territory is all this. I support the rights of those who will download the app and appreciate their reasons behind it. Each to their own. And may I say, there is some cracking debate in this thread and in recent weeks, give or take the odd thread, this place has been great to visit and I'm glad I signed back up. I was very skeptical about this app, I did reading on it that nailed it, and this thread hammered in a few more. I hope folk stay safe.
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my opinion, based on my professional experience. I have 15 years in software engineering. 5 of those were with a Cyber Security company. I worked with government for 3 years. I am currently a lead engineer for a US company that turns over over $1 billion a year. I've looked into this app. It will not work.
From what I’ve read I’m thinking the same. Or at least it won’t work as a tool in the way it is being proposed. The question I do have is will it “work” for some other purpose
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a tool to limit tests to people that have their app installed, not to track and trace.
My opinion has now changed as more information has been revealed to me about this app. I do not know if the app was changed, or I received some bad information, but I apologise to all. My new post is here TLDR: I will be downloading the app if I go out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- My initial post on the subject was very clear that I had concerns over the way it worked, not just privacy issues. The privacy issues are a consequence of it not working the way it should. I agree an app based system is vital. This isn't it though.