Assuming at some point the football will restart in whatever guise, how do you think you'll feel at the first game at Oakwell? I have become conditioned to avoiding everyone, and rigorously stick to the 2 metre rule. I see most others do, patiently stood in supermarket queues, crossing the road to avoid oncoming exercisers, following handwashing guidelines, and generally feeling uncomfortable in proximity to other people (yes those who don't follow the supermarket arrows!) I'm not sure how I'd feel in close proximity with 12,000 others, and am in the "vulnerable" age category (which I think many on here are.) Would you take the risk? I'm not sure if I wouldn't rather wait 4 weeks after the first game and see if there is a resurgence of cases. I am nowadays far more aware of my own mortality than I have ever been and am very unsure of what I'd do in this situation
I'm very much the same. I'm finding myself not wanting to interact with people even at work unless I need to. I wasn't big on conversation before but this has made me even more introvert.
We won't be allowed back until a vaccine or cases reach zero or some other reason where we can safely go back to how it's always been. The first game back will probably sell out regardless of opposition because people will be just glad to watch a live game again after so long away. That's why the north side of the west stand needs sorting.
Can't imagine we would spend money sorting those issues out with the stand for one game that may sell out.
Well Prem teams will have to play friendlies in Asia first to get match fit before they start the season. Kerching. First game back at Oakwell will be dodge the sprinklers, them groundsmen eh.
We're all assuming that a vaccine will come along but, to the best of my knowledge, they still haven't developed a vaccine for HIV some 40 years after it started to surface.
Am I correct that the flu jab is only effective if it's the right strain of flu circulating at that time .or have I dreamt that
HIV isnt the same type of virus though - and now we do have effective treatments - HIV is no longer the death sentence it once was we have vaccines for Flu - no reason at this stage to believe we wont find one for CV-19 An effective treatment would be a less good solution but would also do the job Yes you are right - the flu jabs contain vaccines for the known flu's expected to be circulating, if a new suprise strain appears - like it did with swine flue in 2009 the vaccine doesnt work against it - the vaccine for this is now included in the annual jab
No idea what I will do - have to assume that by the time mass football attendance is allowed we should have it all under control so I would imagine I would go if I could - but 2021 is still some time away and I cant see me attending a game this calendar year unless something unexpected happens
Evertonpool or Arsespurs, as lasting effects of virus causes big spenders to implode and merge! and get relegate due to financial problems I'm really positive about the hopes of a vaccine this year either with Oxford or somewhere else. Out of over 100 trials worldwide i'm sure enough of them will work so one way or another the whole world can be protected against it. They have worked on respiratory problems before so they were never starting from scratch and they have been working on it since January. The tests on monkeys went as good as you could hope and now we just have to wait and hope nothing goes wrong.
The Netherlands announced today that fans will not be able to attend until there’s a vaccine. I can’t see the UK being any different. I’m not worried about football, it needs a reset. I’m worried about other sports. Ice Hockey, Rugby etc. That don’t get the crowds or TV money that Football does. Saving lives is more important though.
I totally agree with you. I would renew my season ticket but see how the pandemic is going before I attend.