I think it has been taken too far though. I'll give fishing as an example. How is fishing dangerous and a risk of spreading Covid-19?
It probably isn't. If properly observed. But the someone says if they're fishing why can't we golf? Then why can't we play tennis etc and the lines get more and more eroded. We were asked to make some sacrifices for the sake of everyone for a couple of months. Some have objected to doing that throughout. Thankfully the vast majority have acted responsibly.
The strange one for me was horse racing. They suspended racing off their own back. Now they're crying to the government saying thy're ready to resume behind closed doors when they took the decision to suspend it themselves and are their own governing body.
I’ve done nothing of the sort. Again, extrapolating to ludicrous extremes. It’s akin to me saying you’re responsible for these lunatics that wanted the Army on the streets policing lockdown. If you read what I’ve said, I’ve consistently argued against blanket measures across the whole population when it is painfully clear that the risks for some subsets of the population are infinitely higher than for others. And throughout, I’ve adhered to every single measure to the letter. Even though they’re utterly retarded.
We'll agree to differ. I've found your attitude throughout and that of a couple more unforgivable to be honest.
Except when you took your kids to play tennis. That was not following it ‘to the letter’. That was you bending the rules (only slightly, I know)
Really? Exercising walking distance from the house whilst observing far in excess of specified social distance? How is that against the advice that was published? Actually Churton is right. I may as well have just murdered every person over 75 with my bare hands.
Speaking of fishing. Does anyone know why there are loads of what look like oyster/seafood shells along the canal in Brampton roughly where the fishing spaces where? - Are they used for bait or is it something else? Not seen them before, only since the water has cleared. As to fishing, if you fish at a river/canal then you are at risk of exposure from the people walking past you (and vice versa), and you the guidelines only allow an hour outside - many anglers would barely have set themselves up when it was time to dismantle and go home.
I’m just pointing out that you didn’t follow it ‘to the letter’ like you claimed. I didn’t say what you did killed people. The rules clearly stated that exercise is a walk, run or cycle. Thus you didn’t follow ‘to the letter’.
Im sorry, but you’re wrong. The Government guidelines use those as examples of forms of exercise, they do not exclude all other forms. To. The. Letter:
I've found the measures haven't been enforced properly anyway there aren't enough police. You'd have to be extremely unlucky to get caught flouting social distancing laws by the police. Just the other week a young lad died a few doors down from a drug overdose. The ambulance, police and later the coroner turned up. The street was full of people congregating outside our house. A couple of neighbours came round to refuge on our front lawn for better view and Laura was making them cups of tea. Police walked past our house back and from the squad car for about three hours, not a D ickie Bird.