They were just examples though,but there is a lot of confusion when politicians digress from their own script.
I'm happy to do it: any possible benefit surely outweighs any slight negative. South Korea have had a similar system put in place (well documented) and general consensus suggests it has worked well. I know I did a little bit of research on Rutherford cancer centre the other week, visited it's website etc. An hour later an ad appeared on my FB for "Rutherford Cancer Centre". This happens all the time and in so many different ways. We are being massively 'snooped' upon but it really does not impinge on my everyday life. #source guardian April 20.
I'm one of those "lunatics" and I make no apology for it. I'm 64 years old and I'm scared. Really scared. The thing that scares me most is knowing that there are an ever growing number of people deciding to ignore the law. You're entitled to your view of course, but calling me a lunatic because I have a different view adds no weight to your argument at all.
So my kid goes back to school and me back to work. One of us becomes an asymptomatic carrier of CV19. We them pass it on to the mrs who works as nurse. She again is an asymptomatic carrier and takes it to the hospital with her she passes it to colleagues and patients. Some of these get ill and die. Others just pass it on back into the community.
You're right, but sadly the only alternative is to shut the country for at least a year probably more. I think the outcome of that would be a lot worse. Now I know I've jumped to a extreme but its the lowest we can realistically make the risk and it isn't a viable option. It's going to require a balancing act as it's clear at present this virus is too infectious to return to normal. Unfortunately even with a balancing act more people are going to die from Covid19.
I get my consultation notice tomorrow... The government is currently covering the income of 50% of the adult population. As it stands you are looking at a complete decimation of the leisure tourism and hospitality business. Someone mentioned fishing.. Fishing on a lake you are always pegged metres away from the next noddy... Freshwater fishing contributes about the same the NHS loses in fraud a year £1.4bn with around 25k employed in the sector. The fishing season starts around march when it starts warming up then peaks june/july and slowly decreases towards october depending on the weather. The trade shows and ordering for the next season starts in october. New stuff starts arriving in time for santa and then again towards when the season picks up speed. The invoices tend not to be your typical 30 day terms as most tackle firms dont generate winter cash outsidee of the christmas period. They tend to be due at the end of the financial year/staggered monthly to avoid any major cash flow hits. There will be suppliers who are owed 10k plus invoices because the entire industry is dead. Theres fire sales going on left right and centre with 3k poles being sold at cost plus Vat just to aid cash flow. Most smaller shops will fold. And some bigger names will be looking over their shoulders. Haulage firms are reporting that over 25% are heading to the wall. Construction industry is at its lowest ebb since records began and that includes the 2008 global crisis. Motor industry is at a complete standstill. From manufactuering down to the forecourts. People wont have the funds in place to buy new cars especially as a number of finance houses are changing the products they offer.. Youll be struggling to get a new car even if you did have the money cos they cant build them due to a lack of... PPE. Second hand car market is going to be swamped. High street retail is going to take a big hit. How many staff do you think Primark et al will retain if theyve got restricted footflow/limited orders for online purchases. Plus all the supply lines... Even the public sector will feel it heavily. No tax=no funds. Anyone in non essential roles should be worried. Only sector which is 'safe'is the NHS. Its going to be carnage.
That hasn't cheered me up at all! But I tend to agree with it. I have sympathy for you I have friends who are very worried about jobs. And a self employed mate who has already had to get himself a job. I work in the food production industry so upto now I have been very lucky that I have been untouched financially. While nothing can be deemed safe in this situation i do feel rather fortunate.
Id have thought youd already have had the sales emails/word of mouth X shops flogging their stock....
This is why the government want things back up and running ASAP because the longer it goes on the more demands drops off due to unemployment levels rising. Of course that comes with obvious risks and the government will draw the line somewhere and indoubtably sacrifice more people to mammon. Slaves to the machine.....
Yes but if you let the R number get above 1 it is only a matter of weeks before your health service is overrun. I think Merkel gave a better prepared Germany 2 months I’d it got consistently higher than 2 austerity or whatever version comes afterward will always be a political decision. It’s not inevitable. We need to get people back to work. If it’s safe with the right PPE and right test trace and isolate regime. Sadly despite the breathing time that lockdown has given us the tories seem to have failed so far to prepare properly. Still we live in hope.