Decisions already been taken, all the Car dealerships are cleaning and prepping to open on 11th May, no idea on what scale (I suspect will be reduced staff), what I will say though these are the same dealerships that were telling staff they were shutting at 9 o clock in the morning before the announcement.
I thought that initial pronged thing was just because they were sadists. Everyone in our class had entirely different responses to it. Some flared up and angry, others you could barely tell they'd had it done. They didn't even look, everyone just got the jab.
Can you imagine what she must think of the leaders the likes of us and America have voted in. I sometimes listen to the debates between Margaret Thatcher and Neil Kinnock. I know it's sad, but I do. I hate every bloody policy the Thatcher government implemented. But she wasn't stupid. And neither was Neil. There was no dumbing down. It was intellectual discourse over diametrically opposed ideologies between two articulate and intelligent people who both showed all the leadership qualities I'd want in a prime minister. I disagree with every point one of them makes, but not the way she says it, not the way she promotes it, not the way she explains it. I disagree with her fundamentally and that's different. And I agree with Kinnock's arguments passionately. I end up respecting them both, even though I hate one of them. And I look at what we've got now and I want to cry. I'm going to listen to some Billy Bragg.
[QUOTE=", and you the guidelines only allow an hour outside - many anglers would barely have set themselves up when it was time to dismantle and go home.[/QUOTE] I think you have that bit wrong. The guidelines say "once per day" and no time limit is given.
the likes of thatcher and kinnock are the reason we've wound up with what we've currently got,their era was the start of millions feeling completely at odds with the political classes,a forty year period that was chocker block full of political controversy,(wholesale destruction of industrial towns,our membership of the eu,illegal wars?,expenses scandals,rentboys,in fact you name it and it will have graced the commons) these are some of the reasons we've wound up with piffle boris as millions had got to the end of their tether as they felt they were simply not being listened to. kinnock wasnt even liked by much of his own country as his refusal to back the num during the strike was seen as nothing short of treason and when he became a lord this hatred got even worse,he is seen by many as another convert to the landed gentry
I have been thinking a lot about the Thatcher era compared to this one I never thought that we could have a worse Govt but I think we have managed it since 2015. Both May and to a greater extent Johnson have no intellectual or philosophical beliefs underpinning them. They are empty vessels only interested in power for powers sake. Thatcher for all I hated her had a firm belief system. Her policies and the way she ran the country was underpinned by an ideology a firm direction that she could explain and defend. Now the tories are emptiness they believe in nothing they represent no one. They aren’t even the party of business any more. The party of disaster capitalists certainly bit not your every day variety. Billy Bragg always makes life better. I’m more angry than tearful so I’m going with The Redskins.
I have been thinking a lot about the Thatcher era compared to this one I never thought that we could have a worse Govt but I think we have managed it since 2015. Both May and to a greater extent Johnson have no intellectual or philosophical beliefs underpinning them. They are empty vessels only interested in power for powers sake. Thatcher for all I hated her had a firm belief system. Her policies and the way she ran the country was underpinned by an ideology a firm direction that she could explain and defend. Now the tories are emptiness they believe in nothing they represent no one. They aren’t even the party of business any more. The party of disaster capitalists certainly bit not your every day variety. Billy Bragg always makes life better. I’m more angry than tearful so I’m going with The Redskins.
Sorry Jay, could you put that into a soundbite for me? Strong and Stable Oven Ready Deal Get Brexit Done Following the Science
You are absolutely right. It could take 10 years to recover from this. At 55, I'm not sure I can take 10 more years of struggle in the music industry. If I pack in that's 15 others affected, as I find them work as their agent. Pretty much nothing will be the same. I have friends that work at the University. What 18 year olds are going to want to go to Uni this year & take on student debt? If most defer for a year, what happens next year... Pretty much every industry affected in some way, other than Amazon & the big supermarkets, who are raking it in.
BBC News - Coronavirus: Is it time to free the healthy from restrictions? Interesting article offering some insight into risks. I found this section particularly interesting. Cambridge University statistician Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter has highlighted evidence which shows the risk of dying from coronavirus is very similar to the underlying risk people of all age groups from early 20s upwards have of dying anyway. His point is that getting it is like packing a year's worth of risk into a short period of time for adults. The younger you are, the lower the risk all round. For children, the risk from the virus is so small that you might be better off worrying about other things. After the first year of life cancers, accidents and self-harm are the leading causes of death. Researchers from Stanford University in the US have been trying to count the risk another way - equating it to that which we face from dying while driving. In the UK, they calculate that those under the age of 65 have faced the same risk over the past few months from coronavirus as they would have faced from driving 185 miles a day - the equivalent of commuting from Swindon to London. Strip out the under-65s with health conditions - about one in 16 - and the risk is even lower, with deaths in non-vulnerable groups being "remarkably uncommon". Putting risk in perspective is going to be essential for individuals and decision-makers, the authors suggest. If we do, we may learn to live with coronavirus. We may have to.
Our director already said income is down to 2008 levels, all discretionary spending to stop, CAPEX projects pulled, only H&S budget unaffected, essential plant repairs only. Next it will be no overtime for the operatives, if it doesn't pick back up it will be job losses. However, we were flying this year before lockdown, a third of our budgeted profit achieved in Q1, those sites we were supplying can’t just stop so we expect a bit of a bounce back. The issue will be when those projects end will there be the work to replace them ??
A large percentage of universities have ceased to be about the 'education' but the money. There are numerous faculties around the UK that rely on overseas student fees to fund them. I know of several that have secured loans based on the predicted fees generated by overseas students. I dont see there being enough Chinese in the forthcoming year to cover the bills... As for being a DJ. I suspect that come september youll be playing again. I am getting the impression that within Government there are a number of arses dropping about the ongoing costs and the mass unemployment of the retail/hospitality sector. Pubs cafes resturants.... somewhere around 2m people. Even if its just basic dole at £65 a week its still £130m they have to find.
I think you’ll find you’ve answered your own question. It’s quite obvious that as the affected industries/businesses fail, Amazon et al will boom. Therefore the tax paid by these internet giants will fill the gap. Oh,,, hold on a minute.....