Agree with what exactly ? What are you agreeing with that I should post someone else’s agenda ? 99.9% of my political posts are within threads started by other posters in relation to the subject or a posters comments . The few political threads I start are on subjects I feel aggrieved about and my prerogative imo . The poster (red taff ) has tried to change the subject away from the point or discussion I’m making eg what would Corbyn have done etc . My posts are not to convince anyone to vote any which way the want to contrary to RTs insinuation that’s his deflection of the points . If he wants to hear about Keir Starmer maybe by putting a post out himself I may or may not contribute it’s all bluff and fumble by him to change the subject .
He isn’t a details guy. That’s always been clear and likes the position of PM without wanting to do the work but I’m happy to defend him on this. If he was ill enough to be in ICU he really shouldn’t be at work at all.
that’s not quite true is it. Despite me disliking both Blair and PFI investment and record investment at that was made.
That is one thing that will not happen for a very long time: perhaps another 100 plus years down the line? (doubt it). It would force whichever government out of power for a very long time, would finish them as a political force. Labour would step in and rule forever more Even the Tories aren't that daft. We have the same pointless argument every time an election looms. Pointless in respect to the failure to acknowledge the real issue: the chronic and determined underfunding of the nhs and the impact this has on patients and staff. It is evident that this argument does not scare the voter: the Tories reign yet again. So I would rather implore people to focus on what's happening now and what's been happening for a very long time.
Things were a hell of a lot better under the last Labour governments. Ward staffing ratios were much higher than they are now.
Trusts near me are still crippled from those schemes, let's not get started on blair over 30k have died due to the covid virus, blair and Bush did more than that in the few hours of the illegal war. Alot of mistakes have been made handling this virus, would labour have handled it better? We will never know, the working class will end up paying for this for years to come a big recession is on the horizon and not just here globally. Hold tight.
About the gross negligence by this government. I agree with most of what the posters are putting on about the way it's been handled by the government. I didn't want to debate it really.
No, to be fair he has been ill. But if he is not well enough to do his job fully then he should still be off work and his deputy doing the pressers - although IIRC Raab scived a fair few.
Well the reason I picked up on your post was that you were agreeing with RT that I should talk about Keir Starmer and stop having a go at the Tories etc. I’m not having a go at you I think you’re a very good poster and like a lot of your content even though we don’t agree on certain things . Just giving my side and if he wants to start a thread on Keir Starmer instead of telling me I should and leave those poor Tories alone then that’s his prerogative.
tbh Marlon I don't follow your reasoning here -- why on earth wouldn't you talk about Starmer - yes, he's a mountain to climb but as Labour leader he is in the best position to actually challenge this useless Government - isn't he? Or do you see Starmer as an irrelevance in challenging the Tories? Yes, I agree with most of your comments about the Tories - but what's the point of them? Give some positive comments about Starmer and it will be far more effective in challenging this administration. Or do you have a problem with Starmer? I don't!
I'm sorry but if Corbin had been PM he would have still been playing his dinner up. He was too slow to catch a cold
I don’t have any problem with Starmer but he’s been in the job two minutes so what’s to say ? I don’t get why you want me to talk about him when I’m so fekin angry at what this **** shower are doing ? It seems to be your trying to get me to post your agenda ! Why? If you want to post about Starmer then go ahead I might contribute . You seem to have this fascination that all my anti Tory posts are to change peoples minds on them. If so your wrong I couldn’t give a rats arse who voted for them I’m posting my utter disgust at this pariah of a party . If you don’t like my posts don’t read but please don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t be posting . There’s plenty on here hates the Tories with as much gusto as me maybe ask one of them about Starmer while they’re ranting about yet another Tory **** up
Yet again another thread descends into people defending the Tories with "but Labour". It's pathetic really.
Any recession will be a political choice. And defending Blair is the last thing I want to do but the health service was in a pretty good state by 2010 no point rewriting history to criticise someone we don’t like.
I have no problem with your comments re 'disgust at this pariah of a party' etc - but you're stuck in this groove. What about comment/strategies how we get rid of this 'pariah of a party' - how do we get behind our new leader. Your anger is doing the labour party no favours!