He young, fit has little to no chance of dying from it and went to see his sister on her birthday.... throw the book at him! what a **** (rolls eyes)
I have to abide by the law whether I think this lockdown is the correct course of action or not. He's got absolutely no defence for repeatedly sticking two fingers up at everyone.
Hard to have too much sympathy for him - Had he not done the sex party thing he would probably have got away with seeing his sister on her Birthday though most of the rest of us arent doing that type of thing either. Ive only seen my Parents and Sister on Zoom since the lockdown - why should the rules not apply to him. in any case even if I could I would be very wary about visiting my Parents both well into their 80's - just imagine if I found out I was incubating CV and then gave it to them
and his parents! and factually you are wrong he may have little chance of dying from it but its definitely not no chance. Maybe if we all ignored laws that we found inconvenient the world would be a better place - or perhaps not
Correct Humour me how many proffesional athletes have died of it so far? maybe just maybe their bodies are built withstand it better than 75 year old Arthur from Cudworth. Onto the second point, thousands of people ignore laws everyday. Speeding on a motorway, underage drinking. Amazing how many holier than thou peope there are on the internet
Exactly this, I think the Lockdown needs to be eased off. I think seeing family who aren't high risk should be part of that. But guess what, I'm still following the rules. What a numpty he's showing himself to be.
Blames the press for him being filmed breaking the lockdown. "What have my family done to deserve you following me to their house" Erm don't go to their house then you overplayed privileged *****
Are his parents, sister and everyone he and they come into contact with all footballers? Who does his mum play for?
Wilko's logic is that Kyle walker should be allowed to wander round care homes because he's young so he probably won't die when he's infecting the old people.
No but they know the risk and obviously deem it minimal, if your relative turned up at your house would you let them in or turn them away
That's just b0llox pal, he could be spreading it to other vulnerable people & just because he's young & fit doesn't mean he could fight the Virus, He's a TW@T like a lot of other folk.
In 30s. What's the relevance? Your age doesn't stop you getting covid-19, it lowers the risk of you dying significantly, it doesn't lower the risk of you passing it on which is what the rules are for.