I wouldn't let them in. Obviously I wouldn't just turn family away I would speak to them while observing social distancing as I have when I've called at my parents to drop things off and pick things up for various reasons.
There’s no argument, it genuinely baffles me how many people are content to drift towards unemployment, negative equity and years of squalor and suffering when they have a tiny tiny percentage of dying.
How does him having a sex party, driving to Sheffield, visiting his sister and visiting his mum and dad prevent unemployment? The only people he seems to be keeping in employment are prostitutes and the nurses who have to treat those affected by his actions
Because although it doesn't affect his age group as much, when he passes it on to more susceptible people they'll be in serious trouble. Next.
Sorry a perfectly normal party with nothing out of the ordinary where its standard practice to pay thousands for prostitutes to attend. People are weird if they don't spend a few grand having prostitutes at their parties if you ask me. We had r of them at my grandads 80th. My grandma wasn't keen at first but we explained it's normal and everyone does it
Then keep those at risk and/or shitting themselves inside and let everyone else out. Maybe even create a few jobs caring for said peope
If they’d turned up to party? Turn them away. If they were ill and needed assistance, then give the assistance! same answer if it was a friend, neighbour or stranger too. I’ve got a 6 week old grandson who hasn’t been cuddled by any of his grandparents or other relatives, it’s bloody awful but not a good reason to risk the lives of strangers.
I’m outside anyway bud, got one of those key worker jobs you will have read about. When you clap next Thursday think of me
My attitude is that after 6-7 weeks inside if I want to go for a beer to relax with a couple similar age/low risk friends who also want to go for a beer I should be able to, instead I’m being tutted and scowled at when I go drop my Nan some shopping off and stand on the drive talking to her for 10 minutes.
Nobody's tutting at you if you're being sensible. If you're not sensible then you should be tutted at
He and his parents and sister are at a higher risk.... but yeah, you know best. He is ridiculous, thinking that he should be exempt from social distancing. We’d all like to hug our relatives... but for now we have to wait... Coronavirus: Black people four times more likely to die with COVID-19 than white people - ONS http://news.sky.com/story/coronavir...more-likely-to-die-with-covid-19-ons-11984448
No it isn't mate. By all means argue the point he's made, but all too often these days people argue against points others have never said. Yours a cult leading baby murderer.