I started on a response but whats the point. To give but 2 of many examples I could give 1. Sending elderly people back from hospitals to care homes with no idea if they had caught CV is a fact - my opinion is thats a bad way to do things but you wont agree it could have been done better 2.setting an arbitary target for testing missing it but claiming you hit it by counting items in the post - its a fact but you think its fine I can give loads more but nothing I can say will help and to say we need to wait until later is a strange idea - its too late then
4 lines that almost, almost criticise the Tories before slipping into a But Labour diatribe. Have a nice weekend.
I don't understand why some people have to bring Labour into this. The party has had nothing to do with government and decision making for 10 years. Yet.... some folk still want to blame Labour for the current ills. Surreal.
It’s mostly facts and your just denying it like a Trump rally geek . Even the Tory press are angry at the inept, unscrupulous, lying,tow rags . This thread wasn’t about labour but every Tory Trump lover has come on and tried to involve Labour because their debating line is mute tge Tory govt have feked up they’ve cost lives and are shown what most already knew anyway unfit to govern .
Really? We’ll have to wait a long while before we can be compared with France, Italy etc, But we already know enough to compare us to the best performers. Unless you believe that the likes of N Zealand will suddenly get a second wave and handle it completely differently next time. for all those ‘let’s be proud of our country’ ‘stop putting us down’ types, I’m asking why do you want to be proud of such a poor performance? Don’t you want to genuinely be amongst the best? Rather than just puffing yr chest and pretending we’re great?
Facts?!? You’re the one who can’t handle anything other than what’s printed in your brochure of how to follow labour. This wasn’t about labour but right from the start it’s insinuated that the other options would have used a magic crystal ball and no one would have died... utter bow locks. If you could see through those specs, you’d have noticed the criticisms I have made of all parties. And especially the handling.. which as I have said it’s easy from a hindsight point of view.
Whilst I appreciate your measured response. 1. What else could they have done at the time? I’m not sure but would love to hear. Bearing in mind the lack of available tests and the fact that hospitals are a very good place to pick up the virus. I’m not disagreeing with you, just can’t see a better realistic option? 2 completely agree, the testing was set without a real understanding of logistics. Absolutely ridiculous I’m not disagreeing and bigging up the tories as many seem to think. I was pointing out that many of these are from the same pot of Cambridge/oxford boys club. And therefore are very similar in their ideas and approach to problems. There are many on here who would vote for anything as long as it had a red rosette on because of Thatcher. And any criticisms are based upon Karen from Facebook... but is absolute gospel truth and anything said against it is stupid. I meant we would be able to judge later and make comments on everything with more certainty and less conjecture. Anyway, you’ve decided that I will listen to and believe anything the tories say, which is the opposite of my actual belief. But I don’t just follow a party because my grandad did... or because of Thatcher, or because red Marlon on here suggested I should or he’s spouted his own version of politics and called people idiots who don’t agree.
I’ve read some ***** on here. But it’s about what’s going on now. With the tories in charge. My position 1 I’m a corbynite because his values have lined up with mine more than any other labour politician 1a. I’m pretty damn sure He would have put the most vulnerable in our society in care homes at the top of the list alongside the NHS from the outset re ppe etc. Unlike BoJo “we are an Island. We will not suffer like other landlocked countries.” Yes we are suffering seeing as you aren’t protecting even now our borders compared to some other countries. You buffoon. 2 I am not a left wing extremist. I’ve never been a member of momentum. Or any other extremist party. 3 I believe socialism is the way and labour are the closest party to my values. 4 I don’t support all labour policies to appease the electorate. 5. I have nothing in my body that would ever support the Tories. They only feed enough to the electorate to appease the middle and working class but give the billionaires/millionaires the clout to keep walking all over folk. That’s not to say some don’t give it back in spades. There are those that quite happily pay their dues and would pay even more. 6 I would not hesitate to criticise any party on certain policies. I was not a Blairite (but he had the best chancellor in my lifetime.) And I would charge him with war crimes. FAO Red rum your argument doesn’t hold water re the Iraq war. We are in the present. If you want to talk history then that’s for another thread. If you want to start one up. I’ll happily talk about thatcher. And Blair. I Like labour to a degree but hate tories more for who they look out for. And it certainly ain’t anyone I know. One lad said He’s better off under the tories than under labour. 2005 he left school. So there you have it. 5 yrs of labour and 10 yrs of austerity for those that have nothing and boom time for the parasites. (Million/billionaires) Who live off the back of the low and minimum wages. And hide their spoils in offshore accounts. FFS
How come other countries got tests earlier? Whilst we were being told that reliable tests weren’t available to us, other countries were managing. Maybe the whole truth is ‘tests weren’t available to us at a price we wanted to pay from a supplier we approved of’.
Don’t know mate, but we could speculate.? I’m not sure they were available to many other countries in any great size, as they had to know what they were testing for, and getting a test that was proven to work?
Oh yeah your Criticism of the Tory party’s right let’s see mmm” they haven’t handled it very well but Corbyn eh “ The only people that brought the Labour Party into this was Tory apologists because they couldn’t defend thus **** shower of a govt . No mention of any brochure or whatever only in your excuses . Go on then defend them without bringing an opposition party into it or just go on another irrelevant rant about how everybody’s a left wing Marxist for daring to say exactly what this inept out of their depth self satisfying govt is .
FFS Although you called him (Red) Marlon. ( an unfair comment.) You’ve already politicised an argument that doesn’t exist. ( Whether you think it was a political point scoring post. Only you knows.) But the article he’s posted is fact. Like it or not. THIS NOT ANY OTHER PARTY that have screwed up. Put any face you want on it, he has not on any post tried to say what if. Which others turned it into. THIS Government not any other. No one has a crystal ball. He’s inferred that. And no one else can. I have stated I believe Corbyn would have reacted better because he’s more about caring for the less vulnerable in society and not solely concentrating on business. (We’ll never get to find out BTY) Yes loads came from privileged and well educated backgrounds ( Corbyn included) . But it’s about what you are not who you are that defines you.
I have not called anyone an idiot that’s just you trying to point score , I don’t get my facts from Karen in Facebook if you look at the initial post it’s from a Tory rag . I don’t vote labour because my grandad did although he certainly did . Everything about your post is wrong , you’re political point scoring whilst accusing everyone else, you’re using cheap digs to try and justify yourself and come across as more sensible and reasonable than others but I can assure you you’re not . This post says everything about you , can’t make a point so I’ll get some cheap cliches in . All these posts you’ve made and said NOTHING.